The _— DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES October 22, 1984 Pauline Jewett Speaks On Disarmament Pauline Jewett, the Honourable MP and former defense critic for the New Democratic Party in Ottawa, will speak on the problems of nuclear arms at Douglas College on Thursday, November 22 at 1230 hrs. Jewett, who has also served as foreign affairs critic for the NDP, will discuss disarmament from the Canadian perspective. Afterwards there should be time for questions from the audience. This presentation is sponsored by the Douglas College Nuclear Awareness Group and will be chaired by college philosophy instructor D . James Davies. The meeting will take place in room 1201. Mad Hatter _A Douglas College Newsletter Give the United Way October is United Way month. The 84 member agencies of the United Way and the Red Cross provide a wide range of services that are critical to many people in the communities of our college region. Many of the United Way organizations, for example, work with the unemployed and their families. Core funding from the United Way is essential for these organizations to continue their work. While giving to the United Way you can direct how you want your support allocated. You can choose which organizations you want to support and you can choose which you do not wish to support. The 1983 campaign at Douglas achieved its goal. As a community we met our target. Shortly, you will be receiving your 1984 pledge card and campaign brochure. I urge you to consider the organizations that are listed in the brochure and the work that they do. If any of them are worthy of your support, please give what you can by filling out and returning your pledge card. Bill Day UPPO + egeman 2