rr LOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES Mad Hatter Page 3 Faculty Recruitment The Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC) has entered into a co-operative agree- ment with two institutions located in Singapore. The agreement with Ngee Ann Polytechnic and Singapore Polytechnic is to mutually assist each other in the fields of curri- culum development and teacher training/upgrading. As part of this agreement, ACCC will recruit and co-ordinate placement of Canadian teaching faculty from member colleges in the following Fields: Commencing May 1985 Civil Engineering (Building and Quantity Survey) Up to 8 positions are available. Applications for one and two years will be considered. Mechanical Engineering Up to 12 positions are available Applications for one, two and three years will be considered. Faculty Recruitment - Singapore Polytechnic and Ngee Ann Poly- technic of Singapore Commencing May 1985 3. Electronic Engineering Up to 10 positions available. Applications for one and two years will be considered. 4. Electrical Electronic Engineering Up to 7 positions are available. Applications for one, two years will be considered. Salaries for the above positions are comparable to Canadian salaries, de- pending on the qualification and industrial experience of the indivi- duals. Family travel costs and a benefit package will also be provided Would interested people contact Gordon Gilgan for further information Holidays - Directors Office I will be on holidays starting January 21 and will not be returning to the college until February 6, 1985} The Acting Director during this period will be Gerry DellaMattia. Min Aleong will be away from the college from January 30 to February 4, L985. Al Atkinson Understanding Political Realities A Public Seminar Saturday, January 26, 1985 0930 - 1530 hours Room 2201 Contact C P & S for information Access Learning Resource Centre The Access Learning Resource Centre (ALRC), located in Room 2710 in the Student Services Centre, has been in successful operation for four months, Here is a reminder, for faculty and students, of the range of ‘support services that are being offered. (next page)