MAD HATTER PAGE 16 OBJECTIVE F:2 To encourage life long learning by facilitating access for adults to College programs and courses. Ei2s1 = To reduce or eliminate needless barriers to College programs and courses, B:2:2 - To take action Te assist adults to re-enter College programs and courses by providing bridging or re-entry programs. OBJECTIVE E:3 To inform the public of the availability of life long learning and recurrent education opportunities. E:3:1 - To promote and advertise the availability of life long education opportunities to individuals, employers, and the community at large. E:3:2 - To establish a committee of regionally-based employers to discuss the means to implement recurrent education opportunities for employees. OBJFCTIVE E:4 To assist learners to develop and use independent learning skills. OBIECTIVE ETS To increase opportunities for independent learning. E:5:1 - To review existing College curriculum to identify curriculae suitable for independent learning. EsS:2 = To enhance the availability of Distance Education programs within the College region. OBJECTIVE E:6 To increase revenue, B:6:l1 - To provide an increasing number of credit and non- credit coruses on a contract-for-service basis. ERG5.2 = 20 increase tuition fees for selected courses and selected clientele.