SS UPCOMING WORKSHOPS & COUPLES GROWING TOGETHER A one day workshop at Douglas Coquitlam, conducted by Claire and Rolande Hawes, designed to strengthen couple relationships. This is not an encounter workshop - the personal aspects of a relationship are respected - alternate ways of communicating will be demonstrated to facilitate couple growth and enrichment. Information: 464-5750 or 941-5397 (evenings only) Sponsor: PoCo Family Studies Centre Society in conjunction with PoCo Recreation Department and Douglas College. Cost: $25.00/couple TAX SHELTER SEMINAR Douglas Coquitlam is sponsoring a Tax Shelter seminar for Douglas employees and others who would rather avoid taxes than evade taxes. If you'd like to know more about tax shelters, particularly oil and gas drilling shelters, this seminar is for you. The seminar is scheduled for April 11], 7-10 p.m. in Rm. 101, Douglas College, Coquitlam. A $20 investment could save you bundles. Call C.E. 525-9211 for more info. ~..-P. Dueck COMPUTER RESEARCH AVAILABLE TO FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATORS ARE YOU BEHIND IN YOUR RESEARCH PROPOSAL? Computerized literature 9 searching is now available from Coquitlam Campus Library. We can search dissertation files, produce lists of articles, or give you information updates. HAVING TROUBLE WITH ERIC? Educational journal searches are cleared up in moments by using an online bibliographic information retrieval system. This is now available from Linda Gunson at Coquitlam Campus. SO--YOU NEED A BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR A NEW COURSE? Computerized custom bibli- Ographies are available within minutes. (Please note that buying the listed materials is another process which takes more time.) REMEMBER NEWSPAPERS? THEY ARE ONLINE AT THE LIBRARY: Douglas College Libraries have joined the ranks of those institutions offering online reference services to their faculty and administrators. Some of the 46 data banks available to us are ERIC (Educational Research Information Clearinghouse), Psychology Abstracts, International Labour Organization Documents, Management, Accountants Index, Biological Abstracts, Society of Automotive Engineers, And Quebec Actualite. If you have need for a computer search of literature in any subject area, contact LINDA GUNSON, COQUITLAM CAMPUS LIBRARY, LOCAL 3l. -.-.-Linda Gunson - more - gY