A PROPOSED ANALYSIS AND STATEMENT REGARDING: LEARNING ACTIVITIES and KINDS OF LEARNING APPROPRIATE TO A (ONPREHENS! VE CoeUNiTY COLLEGE THE PRIMARY PURPOSE OF DOUGLAS COLLEGE IS TO OFFER OPPORTUNITIES FOR ORGANIZED, MANAGED LEARNING. Organized, managed learning can be thought of in three ways: 1. kinds of learning, 2. the situation or environment within which learning occurs, 3. the specific ways in which learning is managed. This analysis deals with the first two categories. 1, KInps oF LEARNING: Three kinds of learning can be identified: i. INTELLECTUAL OR “COGNITIVE” LEARNING ~ this type of learning is associated with "theory", with symbols, and with logical analysis (traditional "academic" subjects and the "sciences" are good examples). 44. EMOTIONAL OR “AFFECTIVE” LEARNING - this type of learning is associated with "appreciation" and "values" (music appreciation is a good example). 4ii. SKILLS, PERFORMANCE, OR “PSYCHOMOTOR” LEARNING - this field tends to be associated with the world of work (sculpture and drafting are good examples). Each of the above categories is obviously over-simplified, as most learning consists of a mix of two, or even three of the above categories. All of these types of learning can be methodically planned, organized and managed. They are all important to the individual, and the society. They are all worthy of support by a publicly funded community college. 2. LEARNING SITUATIONS OR ENVIRONMENTS: Depending on the nature of learning involved, and the purposes to which it will be put, three general types of environment cgn be identified: :