Douglas College ® CONTINUING EDUCATION PO ROE 2R0) NEW WESTMINSTER RC MEW WERTAONSTER CAMENIS 52) 485) BAC HRAOND CAMONE SANT SURUMEY CAMMLIS SAA 4411 ADAASSICRYS SHH fale SMALL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Douglas College, in cooperation with the New Westminster Chamber of Commerce, is pleased to announce the first of a series of seminats covering important aspects and techniques of small business management. The series, composed of five separate sessions, is designed to assist the owners and managers of small business enterprises to more effectively utilize resources, and thus enhance the efficiency and profitability of their operations. All sessions will be lead by experienced members of the business community. HULA LU Ai iALALLL HALE ALLA AURAL AAAD ib EEA ease td Rigiapbiiiajaniadidiiiaiissiiii iiiliidiii 3 SCHEDULE OF SEMINARS = 34 session No. Topic Date : . Retail Merchandising Wednesday 6 Nov. 1974 = 2 Effective Advertising " Wednesday 13 Nov. 1974 z 3 Company Law Wednesday 20 Nev. Inventory Management Wednesday 27 Nov. = 5 Financing - Where and How Wednesday 4 Dec. Treveerereseteeteetereestperiteeeeeateeenes SPRESERESEESETHEETeaett PrEarpresieineceteresepeen rere rintneresrseirerrisisinsesertrestetrenenieseeesepreneeteetpirsritr: FTETEETTESTE TEES WHERE: All sessions will be held at: Y.M.C.A. (Robson Room) 180° = Sixth street New Westminster, B. C. TIME: 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. FEE: a) Individual sessions $8.00 each b) Entire series $30.00 Due to the popularity of these seminars, pre-registration is recommended. Please complete and mail the following registration form. Application will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis. For further information, contact the series coordinator, Ron Paton, Department of Business, Nouglas College, (521-4851) or Continuing Education, (588-6404). iy