DOUGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY ARCHIVES SOME ARE NOT AWARE Those single parent mothers needing a Big Riker for their sons must feel that everyone knows of the Big Brothers of British Columbia. But oddly enough, there are many men who, knowing of the organization, do not know of the vast need for their help. Just a few hours a week in the company of a boy is all that is asked of volunteers. There are about 14000 single parent families in the lower mainland, 4 most of thex mothers alone filling the roll of two parents, and exhausted from the everyday struggle. Very few of these mothers of one, two, three, up to Aix and seven children have been able to turn to their fathers, brothers cles, etc., and receive help. actions of the boy. They sometimes behave bredly in an unconcious desire to - hurt their.mothers because of the divorce or Seperation. Mean and ignorent boys from two parent families often give the fatherless boy nothing but contempt in school, in the playground, end elsewhere. An overly tired | forking mother, after a strenuous day, cen unwittingly carry this feeling of being an outcast into his home. The lonely boy cen be made to feel guilty, unwented, and hopelessly bitter. With the guidence of a Big Brother \ he cen be tought to hola his heed high. Murray Goldman was at the wedding of his ‘Little Brother' and but for | that man, his feme and his help, the boy would most likely have been dead, Or living out his life in jail. He was bedly treated by the neighbourhood boys until he mentioned that Murray was his friend. He was breaking the law end Murrey helped him by listining ana guiding. A Big Brother picked up his young charge early one morning and went home to sheve before taking his little brother to a game. The child stared | at him the whole time he shaved. The seven yeer old had never seen such a wonderous sight in real life. A Big Brother cen feel out a childs problem, and be told things a male Oo