; 65 Uy, Pas bist vie, £0) % ? "he oi ext ioe Sax YeE Oo erene re Ge Vet Rte Sr OF Oe am COrUMeie OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION - To all Groups in the Community Colleges: Administrators, feeulty Staff, Dear Colleacues: among other things, preparin January 14th to the 23rd. In order that may mcke the fullest advantage of the the following timetable has Jan. 14 iS Nelson Voc. School; Vancouver Castlegar (Selkirk Colleve) Camosun, Malaspina. Kelowna (Okanagan College) Penticton, Prince George Vernon, Salmon hrs, Cc Quesnel 16 ee 18 1g ah 22 23 Kamloops, Merritt, Prince Rupert Terrace Vocation:l School help to engender a worthwhile di cuphasize, are suggestions only. briefs for May hearings is Prous Groups scussion., Nemnbers various colleye clements, season ef the year. ERELRELEELEELEELEEERERELRELRBEELELALLLLLEE LADS Fubra Hed ba The Task Force on the Community Colle g for visits to College regions Dawson Creck, Van. Kamloops (Caribco College) Douvlas We are also enclosing a set of possible These (Uest rons, we A Ttbler set iar euidcelines also enclosed for the use of of the Task Force are looking We extend our best wishes Dev She rssll VICTORIA Leiria COLUMBIA * December 19, 1973 Student Council and Principal ge has been busy, from people in College areas Sub-committee's visits, been established. City College; Fr. Nelson, Camosun Kort SE, John, Vancouver City Colleze City Colleze, Malaspina (New Caledonia), Capilano College apilano, C. New Caledonia Cellese > Pout iss Coliege questions which may wish to for any Lnterested forward to meétine with tOvald St: tite Yours sincerely, Hazel L'Estranse cFEF ODirecty