i the 7 ; November 28, 1995 | i Gait Press . eee to me bells, hark to due bells ~ Telling us all , ‘Jesus i is King! Strongly they, chime, sound with a rhyme Christmas is here! Welcome the King, Hark to the bells, Hark to the bells, This is the day, day of the King. Peal out the news o’ver hill and dale, And round the town tellin’ the tale Hark to the bells, Hark! to the bells. Telling us all, Jesus is King! Come one and all happily sing Song of good will, O let. them sing! Ring, silv’ ry bells, sing joyous bells! Strongly they chime, sound with a rhyme, Christmas is here, welcome the King! Hark! To the bells, Hark! To the Bells Telling us all, Jesus is King! Ring! Ring! Bells! h of naught, LET IT SNOW! LET IT SN’ ow! LET IT SNOW! th bought. Oh the weather outside is frightful But the fire is so delightful And since we’ve now place to go, Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. It doesn’t show signs of stopping And I brought some corn for popping. The lights are turned way down low. __ Let it snow, let it snow, - it snow. 4 The fire is iouly dying . And, my dear, we’re still goodbying. But, as long as you love meso, Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!