MARCH 30, 1983 Christine 1-2 Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 | aerobics SERCH EHH HEHEHE SEE H HOHE EEE HEE BEES erm — 4349-9:45 | Stretching and F strengthenin SOPH RHEE Oe eRe eee meee eer eeeeeEseeeeeeEEeeee®S | 12-1 Mondays: Mondays &# Wednesdays C’mon Douglas Shand Up UIUC 00111 HeeRRRMMNRRERCUGA HAC een eeeanonmmmmgnMnN ecg Fittastic, the fitness branch of the Douglas College Dp athletic department offers several different types of | classes to get youin shape. So check the times and find out when you can come down and get in shape. Hup 234 by Martin Hemerihk Christine Urghart is another Douglas College weapon in the fight to ensure that the people of Douglas are of sound body (sound mind is another story!) Her classes are held on Mon- days from 12 to 1 and the earlybird on Tuesdays, 6:30 to 7:30 am. Christine’s sessions are basically low keyed aero- bics, not too many, with stre- tching and cardiovascular exercises. These workouts are for EVERYBODY. They are designed for people who haven’t been exercising reg-.. ularly and are “out of touch with their toes. Ms. Urquhart, 21, is a first year Nursing student who j just received her CPR certificate. So if you have a heart attack fear not. Once again, what Christine and all the other fit- ness instructors emphasize is ° that you go at your own pace. For the first time fitness per- son of any age this class is for Sonya ’ednesdays & Thursdays 12:10-12:45 aerobics SPOS OSH E HER EHR EES H HEHEHE H OHH O HE HEH OHH SHES EES Heather Tuesdays & Fridays 12-1 Wednesdays 4:30-5:30 aerobics Pee OOH HEHE SOE TEETER EHH HHO EH ESET ERE EEES Connie Tuesdays & Thursdays 4:30-5:15 _Slowstretch