June 18, 1987 Internal Matters - Education On May 22, the Post-Basic Emergency Nursing program had its last gathering at Douglas College, honouring their final group of graduates. This program is being transfered to B.C.I.T. On May 28, the bi-annual I Care dinner and celebration occurred. Mr. Murnane brought greetings from the Board, then presided over the entertainment section of the evening. The formal Spring Graduation of the College occurred on June 3rd, chaired by Mr. Trerise, acting on behalf of Mr. Murnane who was at the ACCC Conference in Hamilton as part of the College delegation. The feature speaker of the evening was Mr. Gerry Franciscovich, President of Chevron Canada. Mr. Franciscovich provided a delightfully entertaining and memorable address. On June 17, the first major consultation on program evaluation occurred, involving faculty and administrators. The meeting was chaired by Dr. Gerry DellaMattia and laid the base line for further development work which should result in an initial program evaluation process that can be implemented during this academic year. Today, June 18, a coordinating meeting was held in Maple Ridge School District, regarding the official Opening of the community education centre in Maple Ridge in September. As the Board will remember, this represents a very significant development for the College and for Maple Ridge School District. The district's largest junior/senior secondary school and Douglas College's activities in the district are being combined into an administrative whole, combining the resources of both institutions. This will have major positive effects for public service and for curriculum development. Funding is in place, and it would appear that organizational arrangements are substantially complete. It is expected that an official opening will occur in late September or October. Classes will commence with the start of the regular school year. Internal Matters - Personnel On May 22, a farewell wine and cheese party was held to honour Phyllis Johnson, who has left Douglas College to take up a senior staff position within the B.C. Institute of Technology. A project reviewing the general compensation level and relationships of excluded personnel, is near completion. I expect that the Board will be able to review preliminary findings in July. ai aha