INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MARCH 27, 1990 Registration Priority Review Proposal continued from page 10 tune time to review the process, and consider a possible change. To that end, Senior Management Commit- tee directed in Spring 1989, that a committee be struck to examine two related issues. The first was the priority system, and the second was advance registration. A committee was struck in the Fall 1989 to ex- amine the priority issue. The matter of advance registration was dealt with through a consultant and a report was submitted to Manage- ment Committee in 1989. The Registration Priority Review Com- mittee is composed of the following members: Trish Angus, Chair Connie Land - Commerce and Business Karen Maynes - Comptroller Bev Miller - Social Services and Allied Health Larry Tomboulian - Sciences and Mathematics Linda Weafer - Social Sciences Maria Wilkinson - Student Society The Committee met on October 16, 1989 and periodically over the course of the next four months to discuss and debate various issues. Information was requested from all faculty and/or administrators responsible for students who have been allowed to pre-register. Each was notified of the Committee’s mandate and was asked to provide a rationale as to why their group of students should continue to pre- register under a new priority sys- tem. The Committee reviewed each rationale. REVIEW OF CURRENT SYSTEMS: In February, 1989, the Registrar with the assistance of the Library, conducted a research of the litera- ture concerning priorities used for Registration Systems in North America. To no one’s surprise, there was very little information. In addi- tion, she consulted with her col- leagues at the four Community Colleges in the Lower Mainland, Simon Fraser University, and the University of British Columbia. This consultation provided the Com- mittee with a perspective of systems that exist in other academic settings. Four of the six institutions surveyed use grade point average as one determining factor in registering stu- dents. The University of British Columbia has been using this method for many years, and the other three ( Vancouver Community College -Langara, Capilano and Simon Fraser) have implemented this practice over the years. Students at these institutions un- derstand and accept the priority sys- tem. It is perceived to be fair. The system also has general support amongst faculty and administration. PROPOSAL: The Committee is proposing a change to the current priority sys- tem. After careful consideration and debate, we arrived at a consen- sus. We, therefore, endorse the fol- lowing recommendations, beg- inning for the Fall Semester 1991. 1. All returning students would be assigned a registration appointment time according to their Grade Point Average accumulated over the previous semester. 2. New students to the College would be assigned an appointment time based on their date of application to the College. 3. Students enrolled in or admitted to closed enrollment programs would continue to advance register in any courses "contained" within their program. 4. Students who have an absence of one semester or more would be required to re-apply to the College in order to be eligible to register. The exception would be students registering from Spring to Fall, who do not attend in the Summer Semester. Students whose absence is two years or more would receive a registration appointment time according to their date of re-application. 5. In order to enable calculation of a grade point average over the previous semester's work, grades must be submitted within 72 hours after the last class or the final exam, whichever is later. 6. No group of students, except the hearing and visually impaired, will be eligible for advance registration. A brief outline of the priority groups is detailed below: Grip Titi. 3.50 and above GROH 2 dies 2.67 to 3.49 Grips .25% +6 2.00 to 2.66 Group4. ...2.. All new students GroupS ..2.:; 1.75 to 1.99 Group 6... s.. 1.51 to 1.74 Group? i... a. Students who have tay Cae geraee completely with- wiclolete ame neT ate drawn from all iv Weed ale See courses in the A fee se elstaters weeks previous semester Group8 ...... 0.00 To 1.50 Within each group, except Group 4, students would be ordered by GPA and then student number. Students who do not have any graded courses, and therefore do not accumulate a GPA, will be slotted at the beginning of Group 4 by student number. continued on page 12 1