“ete Oh aes of ie tg G CAPT? 2 Fst 4 PAGE 20 Mbich 15, 1985 -Sports. Deen takes silver & bronze As well as hosting an exciting basketball tournament, the Douglas ‘College women’s and men’s basketball teams managed to walk away with by JAYNE MUSKENS silver and bronze medals at the Totem College Athletic Association basket- ball championship games this last weekend. On the women’s court Douglas defeated: the Capilano Blues by a 44 point margin which put the Royals into. the championship final against VCC. Game high-scorer for the Royals was Mirijana Jurcic with 23 points. In the championship game the Royals were down by 5 points with a half time score of 27 to 21 for VCC. As the game continued, VCC quickly outscored the Royals and ended the game defeating the Royals and taking the gold with a final score of 65 to 44. Top scorer for the Royals was Mirijana Jurcic with 18 points. Assistant coach of the Royals, Mike Garisto was disappointed in the team’s loss to VCC, but feels the team has come a long way by capturing the silver, compared to previous years, when the Royals’ win-loss record of 81-82 was a dismal 2-14. ‘“‘We went into the game thinking we could win,’’ said Royals’ captain Karen Minato. But Minato did feel the other team played well and comment- ed that the Royals are just ‘‘too young of ateam.’’ ‘‘Next year we'll go all the way,’’” she said optimistically. On the men’s court, Douglas missed going in the championship game by a 5 point deficit against the Cariboo Chiefs. The final score was 68 to 63. With less than seven minutes left in the game, the Royals managed to tie the game at 42.-From then on, the game was extremely tight but Cariboo still managed to take the lead in the end. Top scorer for the Royals was Brent Henderson with a game high-score of 22 points. “It was a good effort, but | guess ‘our youth and inexperience showed in the end,’’ said Royals coach Steve Beauchamp. But despite the loss, the team did manage to capture the bronze when they defeated the Capilano Blues with a 24 point lead in the consolation game. The final score was 89 to 65. Capilano was tied in first place with Cariboo in league standings, but after star player Mark Marter was sidelined with a broken ankle, the Blues crumbled in the games and only managed to place fourth. Top scorers for the Royals were Darrell Digby with 14 points, and Brian Englund and Brian Brown, both with 12 points. The tournament did see both the VCC men’s and women’s teams capt- uring the gold, and now both teams will be travelling to Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan next weekend to com- pete in the national games. A day before the provincial games, the VCC men’s team got together and gave each other crew cuts. ‘‘It was for team unity’’ said one of the players, who described the team as having problems ‘‘getting along’’ throughout the season. Women’s all-stars were Leah Ellis (VCC), Sue McPherson (VCC), Kelly Payne (Cap), Karen Minato (Douglas), and Shonah Imlah (Cariboo). MVP for the games was Douglas’ own Mirijana J urcic. Men’s all-stars were Marty Lutz (VCC), Jay Derksen (VCC), Sean Campbell (Cap), Brent Henderson (Douglas), and Gord Stewart (Cari- boo). J ; MVP was Gareth Davies from (VCC). The event was the first time that Douglas College had ever hosted any of the Totem Conference champion- ship games. The championship victory party at the Royal Towers was also a success, as many of the teams attend- ed and all seemed to have had a great time. The Douglas college Women's basket basketball ieain Lt. to Rt. Becky Watson, Karen Minato, Karen Round, Sheri Taylor, Jo-Ann Taylor, Mirijana Jurcic, Caralyne Goose, Jan Torrey, Kathleen Knight, Sandra Howard, Loretta Isaak, Monica Spring, (far right) Asst. Coach Mike _— Back Row - Coach Richard Norman 3 photos by Brian Bisset The Douglas College Men’ $ basketball team Lt. to Rt. Brian Englund, Robert Cowie, Steve Todd, Brian Brown, Brian Nikula, Darrel Digby, Andrew Conway, Brent Henderson, Chris Terris, Marcus Francis, Bill Matthews