£3 of service that such a rapidly growing system demands. I think that is a fair statement. You are familiar that between K-12 an University Affairs there was a system that was quite rigid, and that was the Technical-Vocational Education: the Director of Technical-Vocational Education and basically that operated a variety of provincial vocational schools and then there was the orphan in the picture that was the Vancouver Vocational Institute which was operated by the Vancouver School Board. Again, in the field the faculties and the students did fine but it was quite an authoritarian system and quite a centralized system, and I think for its time in history, did a good job. But you see, that system, in effect, tended to disappear before there was a post-secondary system to address itself to the new challenge of pro- viding services for the various colleges. Having gone through a little bit of that history, I might say that in all fairness we don't yet have the full capability that we are aiming for to be of service to the colleges as they are developing. I think also, however, we are heading in the direction that will give us this capability and it will give us this capability on the basis of probably an organization that can best be described as a collegial type of organization and as you can appreciate, in any organizational structure, it is only as good as the sincerity of the people in it no matter what model is used. I happen to feel that as we are organizing, it will be good, because it is being organized in post-secondary particularly on what I'd call a program basis, and by program, I mean division of programs. For instance, there will be in total within the Education Department first of all seven superintendents; there will be a Superintendont for Financial Services, a Superintendent for Post- Secondary Programs, a Superintendent of Integrated and Support Services, and so on you go to Superintendent of Secondary Schools. In other words, there is a total of seven superintendents and they form what you might broadly term the management committee of the Department, so that whenever this group meets, in fact all of education is being represented at the same conference table. But bear in mind it is being represented by Superintendents who in the main are quite removed from day to day’ operations that you people are in, and so we have to be very careful that we don't start to think in isolation.