Word 6n The Stree Question: "Who would you like to give a shout out to on International Women's Day?" \ ( 2: "One of my biggest heroes who fought for 4 women is Rosa Luxembourg. She was a revolution- ary in Germany in the early 1900s, and she worked with Clara Zetkin in fighting for women's rights." : — Shannon S f— a. good cook, and for getting the YMCA Woman of Distinction Award this year." — Elenor A: "I would give it to Judith Radovan for being a lesbian, a feminist, union worker, partner, a S ae "T would give it to Reta Blind because she is our elder and she guides us in what we need to do. Being Indian women we come up against a -lot, and we have elders like her who still guide us. NN a a — Jackie [. A: "Rosa Luxembourg, I think, because she is one of the women who brought attention to the issue of International Women's Day. Every year we should celebrate International Women's Day and have solidarity of women's rights." — Tammy