Serenity and vibrancy combine in College art show Sculptor Carlyle Matthew at the Amelia Douglas Gallery, flanked by his pine, copper and acrylic work, Mask Enigma, and Emmanuel Tanka Fonta’s painting, The Eternal Geometry III. Matthew's striking wood, stone and mixed-media masks reflect the artist’s interest in expressing a blend of serenity and vibrancy. Recently named a distinguished alumnus of the University College of the Cariboo, Matthew has taught mask carving in Vancouver and Surrey since 1983. The two-artist show, Soul Motion, is on display until February 10, followed by Heffa’s Chaos and Order (opening Reception February 13). Learners to be focus of 1997 Institutional Self Study The Institutional Self Study (ISS) Steering Committee has developed a learner-centred focus for its current project. The 1997 Self Study, the latest in a series held every five years, will be led by the question: what is Douglas College doing, or what could it do, to become a more learner-centred organization which facilitates learning for a diverse client base with varied educational goals, learning styles and life situations? A working paper describing the context in which this question was developed is available by calling Wilma McCrossan, Steering Committee Chair, local 5448. Topics for the eight ISS working groups now being put together include Learning Assessment, Making Learning Goals and Outcomes Explicit, Facilitating Learning and Access and a “Unit Review Review.” You can get involved with the Self Study by working with one of the groups, nominating a colleague to serve or responding to requests for written input. The Steering Committee, now busy finalizing background materials, questions and guidelines for use by the working groups, comprises: Roberta Bend, Bob Buzza, Doreen Dewell, Georgina Ferguson, Wilma McCrossan, Lloyd Morin, John McKendry, Christa Peters (student) and Marian Rossell. Staff Officers to the Committee are: Barbara Brawn, Bob Cowin and Mia Gordon. Anyone interested is encouraged to get involved by contacting a Steering Committee member. §J Quote of the Month: “A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing.” George Bernard Shaw