UPCOMING EVENTS CAREER PROFILE WHEN: Wed, April 8, WHERE: Surrey Campus Room 418 TIME: Noon - 2 p.m. TOPIC: Real Estate GUEST: Dorothy Neilson, A.E. LePage. ADMISSION: FREE!! VISUAL THINKING CONFERENCE WHERE: Robson Square Media Centre, Vancouver. WHEN: May 1,2, and 3, 1981 COST: $45.00 per person (make cheques payable to Capilano College. A limited number of student registrations are available. Please call 986-1911, local 266 for further information. MAILING ADDRESS FOR KWANTLEN COLLEGE Kwantlen College P.O.Box 9030 SURREY, B.C. V3T 5H8 If you are a Douglas or Kwantlen College staff or faculty member, Grassie (Jewellers) Surrey Place will give a 25% discount. Proof of employment at either college is required. MAD HATTER PAGE 1 Changing Families: Changing Traditions "ALL IN THE FAMILY" The Community Services Programs Division is planning to develor expanded community programming in the area of Family Studies. Lillian Zimmerman, would like to hear from any Faculty/Staff who are interested in offering a C.E. course next fall which relates to the family, either General Interest or Skills De- celopment, or who would be in- terested in discussing ideas/ plans for future community programs . Please call Lillian at New Westminster Campus loc.226 PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Please note that the existing Depart- mental P.D. Committees will remain in tact until June 30, 1931 to adjudicate P.D. requests for both Douglas and Kwantlen Colleges. Please submit your requests for P.D. funds to those respective committees. It is important to point out that any funds actually paid before March 31, 1981 will be charged against the 80/81 budget. Commitments for expenditures after March 31, 1981 will be charged to the 81/82 budget. Watch for information regarding committees to handle P.D. in the Fall. We hope to have these in place by the end of June.