11. 12. 13. 14. 15. THE CITIZEN AND THE LAW How do you register 2 deed? Do you need a lawyer to arrange a mortgage? What is your position if you are garnisheed or receive a summons to appear in court? What about writing a will? What about death duties, time p2ivments, guaranteeing loans and a host of related matters? DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND COMMITTECMEN What makes for good union administration? This course wil! cover the role of officers and committ es, communication with the membership, the conduct of meetinaus and the relationship of the local union with the Labour Council, the provincial Federation and the Canadian Labour Congress. ORGANIZING How can we gain new members both for existing local unions and in forming new local unions? What has rhe union to offer the unorganized worker? What are the obstacles to organizing? Is the Trade Union Movement secure while we have unorganized workers? LABOUR'S ROLE IN THE COMMUNITY This coursz will discuss our community, its citizens and their responsibilities. The course will delve into co-operatives, public housing, environmental control, poverty and Its related social problums. Human and civil rights will also be discussed. PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE This course deals with how to run a4 union mecting. The dutles of the chairman, secretary, sergeant-° ~arms, the quorum, the motion, amendment, agenda and all pert vent matters will be dis- cussed. LABOUR LEGISLATION How does it affect unions and their members? The course will discuss workers’ compensation, unemployment insurance, the B.C. Labour Code and various other social | ws, including the rights of citizens under these various acts. JOBS, INCOME AND THE CANADIAN WORKER Economics from the worker's point of view. There will be major discussions on the question of Federal wage controls and how they will adversely affect labour in The short and {ong run. How do prices and profits influence +he worker's pay-cheque? Are we facing grave economic problems? Has labour priced it- self out of the market? These are a few of the topics which will be discussed in this course. opeiu: 225.