Pyromaniac Makes Effort to Cutback Greenhouse Gas Production By “Salty” Liam Britten ABBOTSFORD, BC—On probation for several arsons in the late 90’s, pyromaniac Ed Timmons has made a new commitment to stop destroying buildings by fire, citing the output of greenhouse gases as his main reason. “Let's. face. it, 7the earth isn’t getting any cooler,” Timmons said. “And I mean, we all have to do our part to stop the warming. And I guess since I started all those apartment fires a few years ago, I have a little more responsibility than others.” Timmons was released from a mental hospital in 2004, after lighting several apartment buildings on fire in the years between 1997 and 1999. But his new eco- consciousness is not a surprise to those who know him well. “Eddy is always so considerate, so I’m _ not surprised he’s become an environmentalist,” revealed Sara Moore, his girlfriend of several years. “Even when we broke up after he got off of his medications and tried to kill me, he was only doing it because he was concerned for me. ‘I have to kill you or the aliens on TV will make it even worse for you,’ he told me. He’s so sweet.” In a conversation with The Other Press, Timmons revealed that he had been doing a great deal of reading on the subject of environmental stewardship while in asylum, as he believed they were the only books that the Green Giant hadn’t altered to contain lies. “I started reading some David Suzuki, and it really opened my eyes,” he said. “I mean, did you know that unless we stop global warming soon, the Arctic could be ice-free by 2040? Thast’s really serious. You aren’t from the CIA, are you?” Timmons is optimistic about his ability to change his ways, and hopes to be an activist for conservation. “T don’t think I’m_ wholly responsible for the fires I’ve set, it was mostly the voices,” he confessed “But since I’ve been on these new meds, all I hear in my head is the beautiful chirping of birds in a happy forest. And according to them, I have to kill John Edwards or the birds will hurt me.” January 28, 2008 TOP 5 RECOMMENDATIONS FROM THE MANLEY REPORT Last week, former Liberal cabinet minister John Manley released the final report from his panel charged with reviewing the Afghanistan mission. What were some of his recommendations? Dacca ens Ask Germany to double their forces by sending a second soldier. Bouts Try ignoring the Taliban, maybe they’ll go away. Siecesst Instead of joining ISAF, Canada will stick to IHOP. Desecccsssass From now on, whenever Canada takes part in an indiscriminate bombing mission that kills dozens of innocent civilians, a heartfelt apology and fruit basket will be offered to the survivors. | eres Recoup costs of mission by selling Afghan heroin on the streets of Vancouver. Seriously, that shit is the bomb. solution, tips and computer programs at SU do ku © Puzzles by Pappocom 9 3 o 6 4 ah TOP 5 REASONS TO TRAVEL BACK IN TIME Mankind has long considered the possibility of visiting times past. What are some of the times we would visit if we had the power? Sc 1979 AD: To have sex with Debbie Harry from Blondie back when she was still pretty hot. . eee 1979 AD: To go back to when you were still in 1979 and having sex with Debbie Harry so you can join in with yourself and tag team her. itt 48 BC: To go to Ancient Egypt and kidnap Cleopatra. Dre scttet te, 1979 AD: To go back to when two versions of yourself are having sex with Debbie Harry, then drop off Cleopatra in the Oo ~] 8 6 o HARD #5 Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 through 9. That means that no orgy. And then join in the gang bang one more time. number is repeated in any row, Ee aet 2008 AD: Return to the present and sell the tape you secretly column of box. made of three versions of yourself, Debbie Harry and Cleopatra all getting it on together. LAST WEEK'S SOLUTION 6.8 5]1'2 719/34 1,:7,'316'4 918 (2/5 9°4°213 5 8161/7 25'719 3 6]1 4 8 3°1/417 8 2]5'6 19 8'9 61511 44217 )3 §|6,.118 7 3414/9 2 413/912 6 5117/8 |1 7\2|814 91113516 23