lt can happen to you! Ladies Beware— Date Rape is Rampant TARA LEGARE ape. The word alone is Pitsite The meaning ehind the word, though, is what grabs hold of the emotions that wrench deep within us all. It is the word that produces the image of dark alleys, dull knives pinching the skin of our necks, and unfamiliar breath on our flesh. But the truth is that four out of five women who experience rape are raped by a partner, friend, or acquaintance. The restaurant is romantic, the candles flicker between you, the wine is flowing. He seems to almost repeat all those dreams that you've had wandering around in your fic- tionalizing mind since you were a little girl. He takes you for a walk. And then the night must end. You are invited back to his house for a nightcap. You accept. You think that a kiss means just a kiss. He thinks that it’s an invitation to your pants. If he wants to play the enforcer and have the evening end his way—and more times than not, it will—the environ- ment you're in won't matter. Sexual assault occurs when you refuse to have relations with someone, but it is forced upon you through emotional pressure, physical restraint, or violence. Sexual assault also occurs when you are unavail- able to consent; if you are drugged, intoxicated, or asleep. Most rapists won't have that gun or knife to you. The only weapon that he may be holding is the one that will scare you the most: threats. A survey of 6,159 college students found that 54% of the women sur- veyed had been the victims of some form of sexual abuse; more than one in four college- aged women had been the vic- tim of rape or attempted rape. That puts those of us still in college at an enormous risk. We are the perfect target, the ideal victim. Some of us have the mentality that partying is the ultimate in fun, the bar scene is the place to be—where the men can be seen. And, although women make up the 48-6th Street, New Westminster pa Tel/Fax: (604) 521-6077 Attn: !! STUDENTS Special offer! © Copies—Self-service ¢ Colour Laser Copies e Colour Laser Transparencies © Cerlox Binding For Presentations Typesetting, Resumes/Letters, Fax, Address Labels, Business Cards, Rubber Stamps, Laminating 06 cents 50% off! 40% off! 50% off! .\ i...