INSIDE DOUGLAS COLLEGE / MAY 22, 1990 Student Library Orientation Summer 1990 All instructors are invited to bring their classes to the library for library orientation. Booking forms have been distributed via the departmental assistants, or book- ings may be made by phone to Jac- quie Ticknor, Library Orientation Assistant, at local 5198. The orientation session nor- mally takes one hour, and consists of a short introduction to the library by a librarian and the com- pletion of a self-paced assignment, the Library Lab, by the students. The assignments are marked and returned to the instructor for return to the students. It is appreciated if the instruc- tor accompanies the students to the Library. If there are any questions or special requests, please contact Jean Cockburn, Orientation Librarian, at local 5184. m Coming Soon to Douglas College @ Sunday, May 27 — 2:30 p.m. CHORFEST ’90 A weekend choral festival hosted by Amabilis Singers, Douglas College Choral Society, & B.C. Choral Federation. Final concert in the Douglas College Gymnasium, 2:30 p.m. Admission: $5. A 20th Anniversary event. ¢ Sunday, May 27 — 2:00 p.m. AMABILIS SINGERS Douglas College Gymnasium. For ticket information call the Arts & Humanities Office 527-5466. Group Advising Sessions Schedule All sessions start promptly at times advertised and are approximately 1 1/2 - 2 hours in length. Sessions are free and pre-registration is not required. All sessions are held at the New Westminster campus unless otherwise stated. MAY 22 — 25 OMlee Administration ysis soos. cherccw ses sopskace ss aoa c ons Wednesday, May 23 Certificate programs 1000 hours Room 2802 Linda Long Term Care Alde Program & . 2.0... 0.2.2 c ee evee Thursday, May 24 Home Support Worker Program 1000 hours Room 2802 Katy Physicaliiducatlont sie. cite csc ass chee a tes hehe ete tes Thursday, May 24 to University of B.C. & 1400 hours University of Victoria Room 2802 Heather Nupsinip Generals ca. Wine events Geers. stone cote Cietan seas Friday, May 25 1400 hours Room 2802 Katy MAY 28 — JUNE 1 Stagecrafl Program als fc) cess aucine: + shee che acta cece eee Monday, May 28 1400 hours Room 2802 Heather Computer Information Systems Program ..........00005 Tuesday, May 29 1000 hours Room 3460 Lorraine Health Information Services Program ..........e2e00. Wednesday, May 36 Health Record Technician & 1000 hours Health Record Administrator Room 2802 Linda Community Social Service Worker Program .........00 Thursday, May 31 (full-time & part-time) 1000 hours Room 2802 Katy First-Year Science - University Transfer .........000000- Friday, June 1 Including major requirements and hours pre-entry requirements for professional programs Room 1812 Linda Education= University Transfer 2.3... 105 6a: kcdhs sd shate ce. 5 vam Friday, June 1 to Simon Fraser University 1400 hours (Elem. & Sec.) B.Ed. Room 2802 Katy JUNE 4—8 Commerce & Business Administration ..........000008 Monday, June 4 University transfer programs to 1400 hours UBC and SFU Room 2802 Heather First-Year Arts - University Transfer ...........200- Wednesday, June 6 Including major requirements and 1000 hours re-entry requirements for Room 2802 Bacher Of Socihl Work Linda Dental Auxiliary Programs §... 2% 24, «ssa. 5 vs «eo Thursday, June 7 (Basic Chairside and 1400 hours Certified Dental Assistant) Room 2802 Heather Nursing= Psychipivic: iter g..G%. SJcc. cere ccttre as Siete og Mevininemens (eres Friday, June 8 1000 hours Room 1812 Linda