Relevant people (e.g. Principals, Convenors) will be notified and asked to comment on the application. Copies of these comments will be distributed to the Educational Leave Committee members and the applicant. The Educational Leave Committee will meet to review the Application Forms and have an initial discussion on the requests. Factors for consideration: a) Which of the criteria as set down in Article 12.12 does the request fall into and how well? b) A consideration of the comments from Principals/ Vice Principals and discipline/programme groups in terms of support for the project (e.g.enthusiastic, non-commital, against). c) Presentation. The legibility and clarity of the proposal. The thought given to it in terms of goals, preparations, contacts, acceptance letters. The consideration of the results for college, students and faculty member. What methods of reporting and use of end results are proposed? Interviews. Depending on the number of applicants it May be necessary to have two or more interview teams each with a spokesman and a recorder. A whole day will probably need to be set aside for interviews. a) Before the interviews the Committee will meet as a whole to exchange comments and questions and points of clarification to be put to the applicants. b) Thirty minutes will be allowed for each interview. c) Immediately following the interviews, the Committee will meet again, as a whole, to exchange information on each candidates application. d) A vote will be taken on each Application to determine whether it be accepted or rejected. Ranking. Each member of the Educational Leave Committee will secretly rank the successful applicants. These rankings will be collectively ranked on the board, totalled, and a final list prepared.