TO: Mad Hatter Page 10 DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD March 15, 1984. wee and Ministry intentions regarding funding units to be allocated to Douglas College. The College has been provided a substantial increase in "quota" in the Academic field as a direct result of the dramatic increase in College enrollments during this past year. College Applied Programs are receiving generally adequate recognition in the Program Profile. Our group was dismayed at the information provided at that meeting, of the intent of the Ministry to eliminate Function 5 monies from the budget. In summary, this removes from direct funding, the Community Programs subsidy for the College. I have already registered with Ministry staff my strong concerns regarding the symbolic as well as fiscal impact of this action. I will be discussing this matter later with the Board in closed meeting. Strong recommendations have already been made to Ministry staff from nepresentatives of the B.C. Association of Colleges, and from a number of institutions. The Administration will be monitoring the budget situation closely, in order to insure that our understandings regarding funding units and the budget are correct. On March 1, and March 7, I had the pleasure of making opening statements at the Adult Special Education Conference in Richmond and at the Adult Basic Education Workshop in Surrey. On March 9, the entire day was occupied in meetings with provincial groups - the Distance Education Working Group, on which I sit as a Table Officer of the Council of Principals, the Public Information Committee of the B.C. Association of Colleges, and the Deputy Minister's Post-Secondary Co-ordinating Committee - an informal group consisting of representatives of the Council of Principals, the Colleges and Institutes Educators Association, and the B.C. Association of Colleges, together with Ministry staff. On March 5, the first joint School Board/College Board co-ordinating meeting was held at Douglas College. The meeting apparently achieved all its objectives. All School Districts have now passed motions of support in principle to the process. I will be convening a meeting with the District Superintendents of our four constituent school districts within the month, in order to carry out initial planning. As soon as we have agreed upon a basic agenda, I will be involving the Deans of Douglas College with their counterparts in the four school districts. On March 12, the College was privileged to host a meeting and tour of the Senior Administration of Trinity Western College. Trinity Western has now been granted University Status by the Association of Canadian Universities and Colleges, and I believe will be playing a significant role in the future, both as a user of college resources and as an institution to which Douglas College students will be transferring.