FILM BOOKINGS FOR FALL SEMESTER Please note that the deadline for film bookings for next Fall Beigune 50. Ae of July 1, book- ings will be accepted from out- stde borrowers as well. Request forms are available from A.V. Servtces at all campuses. Forms should be sent to Linda Fostt, A.V. Services, New West. for processing. Mileo, ote that requests for rental ftlms wtll be screened ere ALY. Librarian. Prtority wtll be gtven to those requests submitted by the deadline. TO: ALL FACULTY AND STAFF In light of the recent announce- ment from the Board and the Ministry of Education regarding the future of Douglas College, and in hts absence, Reg Prtdham has asked me to vistt each campus to respond to your questions and PoOettocen and take note of your coneerns and comments. I wtll be vtstting the campuses according to the following schedule: Apr. 17 RICHMOND 9:00-10:30 am BOARDROOM 17 SURREY 1:00- 2:30 pm ROOM 104 17 LANGLEY $:30- 5:00 pm _ NEW CAMPUS BOARDROOM 18 NEW WESTMINSTER 9:00-10:30 am . BOARDROOM 18 COQUITLAM Pi