r The Olympic College from Bremerton, Washington, U.S.A., is sending a music group under the Directorship of Ralph Mulcher to perform at Douglas College on Monday, Jan. 31st in the Band Room, N405, New Westminster Campus between 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. Students, Faculty, and Staff are cordially invited to the COnCeEEL. Len Whiteley sTa ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE ON THE COMSIUNITY COLLEGE COLLEGE PERSPECTIVE | wg CONFRONTATION OR COLLEGIALITY JUNE LB 16. 1977 REGISTRATION is $95.00 per person or $75.00 per person for two or more delegates from the same Institution registering at the same time. This fee includes a copy of the Proceedings and most meals except breakfasts. PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT TO RECEIVE THE PROGRAM ANNOUNCEMENT, PLEASE DETACH AND RETURN THE FORM PROVIDED. FURTHER 'NPORMATION MAY BE OBTAINED FROM: : THE INSTITUTE SECRETARY LAMBTON COLLEGE SARNIA, ONTARIO CANADA NTT 7K4 TELEPHONE (1-519-542-7751 | Sports RUGBY TEAMS SPLIT WITH UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON The Douglas College Rugby Club opened its spring itinerary with two matches against the University of Washington Huskies in Seattle on Saturday, and came away with a win and a loss. The second team lost 13-4 to the Huskies second squad. The Douglas forwards were far superior to their opponents, but the Douglas backs were sadly outclassed. Thus on tie few occasions that the Huskies backs did get the ball from their forwards, they either scored or threatened to score. The sole touchdown for Douglas was scored by Larry Backs, who, incidentally is a forward. The Douglas first team fared better and dominated play early in the game to go ahead 10-0. But the Huskies never quit and i- half Douglas seemed to tire and in a space of ten minutes the Univer- sity poured on the pressure to go ahead 15-10. This seemed to jolt the young Canucks back to their senses as they again switched into top gear to score two touchdowns in the last seven minutes of the game foe wilny20>1>. This was a most improved Huskies club over the teams that got thrash: ed by Douglas last year to the tune of 22-0 and, believe it or not, 80-4! As usual, ed great hosts and provided much me merriment for the Douglas teams aft after the games. Scorers for Douglas were Dave Jagger and Jamie Booth with touch- downs, Mark Andrews with 2 touch- downs and Burt Kirby anc Dave Jagger with a convert each. 2. the second the Americans prov~ ow aes nae een Sc A RR EALERTS: ee ae ee