A Call To Arms continued from page 7 again before we’d even stepped a foot in it. That’s shit, and it’s smeared on the soul of our immediate ancestors. You begin to wonder if there is a war room where plots are hatched and plans are laid. Is it far-fetched to suggest that maybe this is all part of a bigger scheme? Squeeze the ambitious and impoverished for all they’re worth; dumb down an entire generation until manual labour (as noble and worthy as it may be) is our only option; leave a few high-up positions that require academic training available for the few scurvy Young Liberals who walk amongst us like vermin in the night; and let the peons work for eons to fatten the bellies of the most privileged and well-to-do. Yes, yes, it’s as inflammatory as it is unlikely, as self-important as it is self-loathing. However, one of Douglas College’s security guards, a good man with a degree in eco- nomics, was telling me about his thesis paper in which he pinpoints the marginalization of the middle class to the mid-50s, when the US began devaluing its dollar and the post-war economic boom burst. Now, I don’t have a clue what that necessarily means, except this: a man of such intellectual calibre is blowing whistles when I streak by at pub nights. This system is inherently broken by greed and envy; it suppresses the best and brightest for fear that they'll see, and implement, the flipside of an economy: humanity. We're all dollars and cents until we get names. The last time a system was so blatantly imbalanced towards the wealthy and power- ful was at the turn of the 20th century when the Soviet Union erupted in revolution. “It’s coming,” the security guard savant said, with a matter-of-fact tranquility. “People can only take so much before they break.” When everyone else has sold out and you still can’t afford a ticket to the movies, ask yourself: what'll you do? Left Overs continued from page 9 You can be on the right if you like—God is great and I think it’s swell that you enjoy sex standing up, twice a year. You can be on the left if you wish—pot’s for every- one and it’s totally neat that your heart bleeds for every- one but yourself. But have an opinion, a strong opinion, and stop being a coward whenever elections come about and you get queasy about the idea of a ruling party with a strong sense of ideology. “Liberal” has become just another throwaway word that stands for nothing and can’t be attacked, or trusted, for what it is or isn’t. Right Hook continued from page 8 The Tories were the masters of Canada’s old elite order. They were obsessive Anglophiles and their out- look on life was shaped by 19th century notions of pedigree, class, and hierarchy. They valued order more than freedom, and trusted government more than the Editorial Cartoon people. They were, in many ways, the complete antithesis of everything modern conservatives profess to believe in. Stephen Harper is not a Tory, and the Conservative Party of Canada is not a Tory party. Canadian Tories are dead. Can we please retire the word already?