Student survival guide for DLC LORENZO SIA ello and welcome new and returning students to the David Lam Campus. I'm sure you've had a most enjoyable summer, resting at the beach and going out with friends. Of course for some of us, our summer was filled with wonderful surprises and events such as going to school and taking classes. In any case, | hope you've had a most refreshing summer. David Lam campus has a lot to offer for the students who has not been here before. For the returning student, it provides the comfort and recreation of home and the sights of a lively mall. To compare, if David Lam campus were Eaton's Centre, then the New Westminster Campus would be a Cold War thermonuclear fallout shelter. One of the key features that sets the David Lam Campus and the New Westminster Campus apart is the fact that the windows for the David Lam Campus open. In other words, fresh air circulates through- out the building. There are several interesting things and events that occur exclu- sively at the David Lam Campus. Some of the following informa- tion may be of use to you! This campus has a large cafete- ria for the use of two bodies of students. Under an agreement with the Pinetree Community Centre and the Pinetree High School, the gym and the cafeteria are to be shared by Douglas College stu- dents and the Pinetree High School students. Usually, you'll see the high school students come between 12:15 and 12:45 every school day. During this time, there are long line ups for food and the cafeteria dining area is packed. If youre looking for a bite to eat, meeting a friend, or looking for a place to study, the cafeteria is not the place during these times. ‘For those who are looking for an ATM (automated teller machine), well, I just want to men- val tion that there is none: TT Unfortunately, the nearest one is down at the Coquitlam Center Mall or at the CIBC branch near the Save-On-Foods. Remember to bring cash to this campus if you want to get cafeteria food. However, the Registrar's Office and the bookstore accept Interact payment. Okay, so you know what goes on within the school. How about the area surrounding the school? The David Lam Campus offers a wide variety of activities around the campus. South of the campus is the City of Coquitlam Aquatic Centre. Students must present their valid student cards to qualify for admission discounts. The admission into the aquatic centre is $1.00 for Douglas College stu- dents. This includes admission into the facility and the use of all the equipment such as the pool and the weight room. Oh, and by the way, your Douglas College Student Society pays the tab for the rest of the admission. To the north of the campus is the Pinetree Community Centre. This community centre houses the gym that is used by Douglas College for basketball games and wrestling matches. Not only are these used for extra curricular activities, they are used for the stu- dents. The gym is actually three gyms separated by dividers. During school hours, students can play basketball but must be ready to present their school ID card upon inspection by facilitators. Admission is free to students of Douglas College. If you like to study outside or want to get a breath of fresh air, - you can walk across Pinetree Way and take a stroll around the Town Centre Park and around LaFarge ~ Take vet the World age + September 9 1998 Wy i. in our Easy Steps @ come to the Other Press staff meeting every Wednesday at 4pm or stop by rm 1020 ' @ Contribute to the two out of three consequetive issues @ Submit a résumé for your favourite coordinator position. 1 4 } Get elected. Elections will be held on September 16. That's it. From this position of power, you are poised to take over the world using your contacts at the Other Press and at the publishing iiberhaiis, the Canadian University Press. You will have access to the world’s power centres with your trusty press pass. A bit of creative regicide, and you're there! You're king of the world!!2 Annette Martin Photos Lake. There are some paths arou: . the lake and around the park. As well, there is a track and field sta- dium, a soccer and football field, and'a baseball field. To the south of Town Centre Park within the same block is the Evergreen Cultural Centre. Withi it are works of artists as well as drama productions. More infor tion on the Evergreen Cultural Centre will be posted at a later date. Well, that’s the run down on campus, and some of the things see and do. There’s lots to do an lots to see. Have fun at your ¢ pus and enjoy! 1 Tf you haven't contributed to the fir: two issues of the semester, you will not be able to apply for a coordinator position. You can, however, stil volunteer. Coordinatin positions available ar News, Culture, Athleti Production, Photography, Distribution, Features Coquitlam, CUP Liaso Opinions/Editorial an Online. No prior experience is necessa The Other Press is a collective of Douglas College students who gather together each week to put out the best darn paper we c 2 The Other Press doe not endorse regicide, any other form of politically-motivated killing. This guide to taking over the world has been produced fo informational purpos only. Honest.