TO: Faculty FROM: Al Atkinson, David Barnett, Sandra Carpenter, Reading Consultants RE: Readability of Textbooks Last fall, we printed a readability formula for use in determining the difficulty of your textbooks. Since at this time of year, you may be examining new textbooks for use in the fall, we have decided to reprint the formaula. SMOG Grading Formula (simplified) Count off 10 sentences at the beginning, 10 in the middle and 10 at the end of an article. 2. Count every word of 3 or more syllables in your 30 sentences. 3. Estimate the square root of the sum of your big words. 4. Add 3 to the square root. This equals the grade level. In addition, you may want to consider one of Rudolph Flesch's reference charts for determining difficulty of material. Words in Number of Typical Estimated Percent Average Syllables Magazine Grade Ohaus @ Sentence per 100 wrds. Level Adults Very Easy 8 or less 123 comics 5th 90 Easy a 131 pulp fiction 6th 86 Fairly Easy 14 139 slick fiction 7th 80 Standard L7 147 digests 8th & 9th 7S Rairly.Dittioult 21 155 quality 10th-12th 40 Difficult 25 167 academic 13th-16th 24 Very Difficult 29 or more 192 scientific Graduate Aol If you would like a more detailed analysis of the readability and organization of your textbook, send a copy to David Barnett on the Richmond Campus. He will use a more complex formula and return the textbook with a report within a week or so.