rn re ees. ACCC ANNOUNCES NEW BUAKD Ur UViknuULUNS The Association of Canadian Community Colleges is pleased to announce the election of its incoming board of directors, following the annual meeting and National Conference of the ACCC in Ottawa, November 13-17. Board members for 1976-77 include : John Haar André Piquette Claude Boily Don Fewer Willy Bagnell Stephanie Lawrence Phyllis Prochera Bob Barschel Rod Danielson John Coy Jim Davidson George Delgrosso Jean-Louis Hérivault Roman Mukerjee Kathy Fournier Robert Gordon Anna Taylor Joyce Roberts Jack Budden (ACCC President and Chairman of the Board) President of Grant MacEwan Community College, Edmonton, Alta. (ACCC lst Vice President) Counsellor at Douglas College, New Westminster, B.C. (ACCC 2nd Vice President) Directeur général of Collége de Jonquiére, Jonquiére, Que. (ACCC Member at Large) Registrar of the College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S. : (ACCC Member at Large) President of Student Association of Algonquin College, Ottawa, Ont. Member of the Board, Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alta. President, Student Association, Capilano College, North Vancouver, B.C. Assistant Deputy Minister, Department of Continuing Education, Regina, Sask, Chairman, Industrial & Technical Department, Assiniboine Community College, Brandon, Man. Business Manager, Red River Community College, Winnipeg, Man. Member of the Board, Confederation College, Thunder Bay, Ont. President, Lambton College, Sarnia, Ont. Professor, Department of Economics, Algonquin College, Ottawa, Professor, Department of Humanities, Vanier College, Montreal, Que. President, Vanier College Student Union, St. inarent, Que. Director General, Dawson College, Westmount, Que. Chairman, Nursing Department, John Abbott College, Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Que. Academic Dean, Marianopolis Collegé, Montreal, Que. Director, Carleton Community College, Woodstock, N.B. The ACCC, instituted in 1970, is a non-profit, voluntary, national associa- tion of institutions, organizations, and individuals interested in the growth, devel- opment and potential of community colleges in Canada.