Please check the appropriate box and return if you plan to attend the conference, We are making block reservations at the two facilities closest to Seattle Central Community College. We need to know soon how many persons wish to stay at either the Camlin Hotel or Campion Towers at Seattle University (dormitory facilities) in order to retain the block reservation. Name I will make my own housing arrangements in Seattle. I will make reservations for people at the Camlin Hotel by calling (205) 624-8222 collect. (If you live outside the continental U.S. please let us know and we will make your reservations for you.) Educational room rates for 1975: $15 single $19 double or twin I want you to make reservaticns for me at Campion Towers. Student rate - single $5.00 double $6.03 teacher rate - single $7.00 double $9.00 Dormitory room has sink. Toilets and showers in hall. Meals available in Bellerman Hall - est. Breakfast $1.10 Lunch $1.50 Dinner $2.25 # of persons requesting accomodations student ee teacher a P. S. Would you prefer a banquet [| or a party{ | Friday, March 28?