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According to reports, the 34- room mansion is ina sorry state of disrepair; there are cracked windows, faulty wiring, and asbestos in the walls. It should come as little surprise that Trudeau doesn’t wish to move his family into the rundown residence. Instead, he wants to repair it, at a cost estimated to be upwards of $10 million. The decision has been met with widespread support across the country. Sussex Drive does not exist simply to house Canada’s prime ministers and their families. The Ottawa building is often used to entertain visiting dignitaries and should be something we can take pride in. A veritable crumbling castle is a miserable impression to present to esteemed foreign guests. Kudos to Trudeau for having the country’s best interests at heart. It’s very astute of him to realize how quickly he has to implement this remedy. The place obviously fell to shreds during some little-known major storm the instant he came into power. Full stop. It did not. How is it that the endless © Get to know us! © The Other Press has been Douglas College’s student newspaper since 1976. Since 1978 we have been an autonomous publication, independent of the student union. We area registered society under the Society Act of British Columbia, governed by an eight-person board of directors appointed by our staff. Our head office is located in the New Westminster campus. © The Other Press is published weekly during the fall and winter semesters, and monthly during the summer. We receive our funding from a student levy collected through tutition fees every semester at registration, and from local and national advertising revenue. The Other Press is a member of the Canadian University Press (CUP), a syndicate of student : stories of the astoundingly poor : condition of Sussex didn’t surface during Stephen Harper’s time : there? Harper and his family lived : in the residence since he assumed : power in 2006. Did he make major : : renovations? Did his family die > asa result of the asbestos, cold, : or litany of other issues? Were : there rampant tales of visiting : ambassadors expressing shock at : the embarrassing home they were : invited into? The answer is a resounding : “no” onall counts. The last one : especially should resonate since : the Canadian public and media : seemed to be on the former prime : minister for even the tiniest slip- : up. Were a foreign dignitary to so : much as quip about needing to : keep their jacket on while inside, : the papers would have had a : field day. “Harper’s house proves : to be only thing colder than his : heart,” “Cheap Harper humiliates : country,’ or similar headlines : could have danced across the : pages of our dailies. The ex- : Conservative leader would have: : been buried beneath the landslide : : of flak. But perhaps such events did : transpire and were kept quiet by : even the newspapers, because : sometimes the perception of : a country is more important : than belittling a hated figure. : Or maybe they didn’t, but the : mansion is a mess. Either way : (and I voted NDP in case you were : : wondering), for Harper to put up newspapers that includes papers from all across Canada. © The Other Press reserves the right to choose what we will publish, and we will not publish material that is hateful, obscene, or condones or promotes illegal activities. Submissions may be edited for clarity and brevity if necessary. All images used are copyright to their respective owners. : with such conditions is incredibly : financially prudent of him. To live : with subpar heating during those : chillingly snowy Ottawa winters is : a task most governmental heads wouldn't take on. Harper should : be praised for his efforts to save : Canadians every last dime. However, since we live ina : country where it’s impossible for : anyone to give genuine praise to : Lego-hair, that can’t be the case. : We'll step away from Harper’s : involvement for a moment. Sussex Drive is, of course, : maintained throughout the year : anyway. In fact, costs for 2008-09 : and 2009-10 were almost $1.5- and : $1.1-million respectively. Utility : servicing, including electricity : and gas, were under $100,000, : meaning that general upkeep : and work done to the residence : was still in the $1-million range : (security costs not included in : these figures). The weekly pool ; Maintenance came in at just : under $10,000—yet supposedly : needs more work. Fun fact: the : heated indoor poor was installed by Trudeau’s father when he was : prime minister. It seems curious that cracked : windows would be ignored while : the swimming pool saw nearly : $40,000 a month. Nearly $10,000 : were spent on flowers as well... : perhaps to hide the windows. There are two conclusions : that can be drawn from the evidence on the table. Either : 24 Sussex Drive, as reported by ra You : the journalists who have been : privileged to visit, is as shoddy : as were all lead to believe and : Harper is actually deserving of : our admiration, or the residence : is not shoddy at all and an : effort has been made to deceive : the public for some unstated : purpose—maybe so as to make : the allocation of funds towards : aremodel spectacularly easy to : procure. : In any case, I can’t help but : find it amusing how the story : has been covered. Fora nation : purported by every left winger : to be heavily populated with : hard right-wing newspapers, : the exceptional disdain for : Harper and unlimited support : for Trudeau is remarkable. I’m : no Harper fan, but I think we : canall agree if he were the one : refusing to make Sussex Drive : his home until millions of dollars : were poured into it, every soul : would be calling for his head. : Meanwhile, Trudeau is being : carried on jubilant shoulders for : taking the necessary measures : to ensure the hugely important : building is kept in respectable : shape—a.k.a. the same thing. All’s fair in love, war, and : politics? Evidently not. Danke danke, nie Yilhi Editor-in-Chief theotherpress.ca facebook.com/DouglasOtherPress | twitter.com/theotherpress youtube.com/user/theotherpress instagram.com/theotherpress Photo via www.ncc-ccn.gc.ca