disagreement arise within their own carefully cultivated bubble world they thus lash out with surprising _ What I did not expect, we. was just how threatening some _ students (or perhaps just one really _ dedicated one) would find our gall to even dare discuss this touchy matter in the first place. — Inthe last few weeks I have : | seen copies of the issue pulled _ from stands or buried under piles __ of old issues in an effort to keep the _ offending cover hidden. I’ve received vandalized copies of the cover in my office mailbox, and seen the issue mysteriously disappear from our office bulletin board display. Clearly, someone is ticked off. Student activists are frequently - vehemence and anger. alive and well to this day. When I decided to run a front-page story on the abortion debate three weeks ago, When I was writing for this paper back in 2003, during the run- _ up to the Iraq war, angry leftists _ frequently wrote in and declared that my right-wing defenses of President Bush did not deserve to be published, ipso facto, in a college paper. Though on a much smaller scale, this recent abortion issue brouhaha seems to indicate that same spirit of ultra- defensive liberal censorship is still A lot of what is published in the Other Press \ do not personally agree with, but I publish it anyway. March 3, 2008 side” to feel unthreatened by these sorts of aggressive ideological counteroffensives. Indeed, I welcome them. Exposure to contrary perspectives should strengthen your own philosophy, and make it more developed and sophisticated. Confronting new and challenging strong counter-arguments offers a chance for personal growth and maturity in the proudest traditions of western thought. So, to whoever has been vandalizing our abortion issue, I ask you, please have some faith in your own cause. If your case is just, it will be able to survive the democratic battlefield of open debate and free speech on it own merits, I obviously expected the debidon to on the left of the political spectrum, I find profanity abhorrent, but I’ve without necessitating the destruction be provocative. In an effort to increase and as a conservative, I’ve long run plenty of swear-filled articles, or suppression of alternative readership I have in fact been deliberately learned to make peace with this fact and even swear-filled headlines perspectives. trying to create fairly provocative or and accept my own marginalized (there’s one in this issue, in fact). Just causes do not need the rules attention-grabbing covers as of late, and status. The left-wing point of view I’m an uptight puritan, yet I gladly rigged in their favor. judging from the increased pickup on thrives in campus communities encourage the raunchy “Dr. Sex” to campus, the effort s e ayia 00 be working. that subsidize vos perspectives at appear — a es despite : _ every turn, with women’s centers, = myown in two . bee: — e ~ oe = a _ advocacy committees, queer clubs weeks ago I ran Garth McLennan’s JJ ee Stoush and the rest, yet many leftists h: become so comfortable with this near-total ideological control that a they’ ve forgotten how to debate in _ the first place. When strong voices of Story. it, and in last bears issue we published neo-atheist feature about Google being society’s “new God” as a cover I have enough faith in my own beliefs, and the merit of “my Editor in Chief of the Other Press Dear Garth McLennan, Just to prove that somebody actually does read the Other Press | formed the irresistible urge to respond to your opinion, “Judge’s Ruling on Pot Bust a Disgrace” [February 18 issue] while having a bite to eat at the Douglas College cafeteria and reading the Opinions. I was on a break from the courthouse, you know, the one next to your school. Justice Bruce is there sometimes too. Maybe sometime between practices and games you could drop by. I realize you write for a student paper, but do you actually intend to sound like some self-inflated fuzzy cheeked loudmouth who doesn’t know any better? That still doesn’t excuse you for prattling away atsuch offensive idiotic nonsense. Clearly you merely read the newspaper article in the Sun or Province which hadreported on the Cao decision (FYI, Justice Bruce would never have “read in her statement” anything. Judges don’t give “statements”) If you had carefully read Justice Bruce’sreasons for judgmentperhaps you would have had something useful to say, based on an intelligent grasp of the fundamental issues... or not. But then for you to insinuate that the judge was bribed, that goes way beyond any journalistic license to provoke, now you have crudely insulted someone who has been involved in hundreds of these matters, Clueless sports editor should stick to sports and whom through years of extremely hard wor has earned her position. You think maybe she jus might know a thing or two about the law? About th police, criminals, “scum of the earth” as you put it? And what about you? Think of it this way, each day o trial is like a final exam, each case like a semeste score. So show some respect, at least like you woul a really good volleyball player or something. By the way, I know you must be ignorant o the restriction against judges (who cannot givd “statements”’) in so far as they are not able to respond publicly to moronic attacks such as yours, so I have taken it upon myself to defend this judge. If she were able, probably she would yet decline to do so, sinc you could be regarded as a mere dabbler. But me I’m not as gifted. So. Until you earn your voice in these areas, shut the puck up. Or just talk basketball or running shoes. Michael J. Ritzker, Barrister