Mach 5, 2003 Op-Ed the other press h e Sta rv n g be urge eg t (I T I'm standing on the giant bull's-eye just like you asked. ul en Can we start the debate now? = oe | Fe a , tte i ee Mother Hubbard OP Recipe Guru Fed up with macaroni and generic meat pies? Having a full belly is not necessarily equal to feeling good about what we've just eaten. We can be stuffed up to the eyeballs with bland food and want to trade that sated bloat for one, just one tiny taste that actually livens our senses. It’s time to tickle those taste buds, reminding our bodies that not all edible things come out of boxes, cans or from the frozen aisle. And what might that little thing be? Garlic. ; According to the J7P Nelson Canadian Dictionary, garlic is J.J. McCullough—OP Cartoonist an onion-like plant (allium sativum) of southern Europe, hav- ing a bulb that separates into cloves with a strong distinctive odour and flavour. No kidding. Anyways, we're going to make | - THE OTHER PRESS iS H ; RI nG teriyaki sauce because it’s quick to make and can be poured _ 4 over whatever you decide needs a bit of livening up. No, you cant pour it on your brain.. y We are looking for: Teriyaki Sauce Distribution Section Editors The Distribution person is responsible for the News Editor, Features Editor, and Sports pick-up and distribution of the paper. Must have Editor own Car. 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup soya sauce 1 slice onion (1/4” thick) 2 nickel-sized slices of ginger root 2 (or more) cloves garlic, quartered 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup pineapple juice 2 tbsp vinegar 1 tbsp cornstarch mixed with 1/4—cup water We are currently seeking three enthusiastic individuals to take over the above sections. Section Editors are responsible for provid- ing copy; soliciting submissions, and copy editing their section each week. All applicants must be students of Douglas _ College. Positions begin in the summer semester with shadow training provided during the month of March. For details: drop by the office in room 1020 email: phone: 604-525-3542 tee a — to the Editor) or fax: 604-525-3505 Mix water and soya sauce together in saucepan. Place over high heat. Add onion, ginger and garlic. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and let simmer for ten min- utes. Remove from heat. Strain off the onion, ginger, and garlic, returning liquid to the saucepan over low heat. Add sugar, juice, vinegar and cornstarch mixture. Stir while heating until the sauce thickens. oe eee eee eee ew eww ee wee ee ew eee eee eee eee eee ewe ewe eee ny ie WIN A GRAND PRIZE 10 prizes of $500 | 20 Ostere In2itive~ Blend 30] STU aol la) bru 8 © page 6