You know, it’s kind of funny that very few people actually talk about war on remembrance day. Most of us are just glad to kiss off a day of school so we can kick back and relax. There’s nothing wrong with relaxing on a national holiday. Frankly, the majority of people who benefit from remembrance day are not old enough to remember just what the hell it is we are supposed to remember! But isn’t it the same way for every holiday? Every time we get a day off, we are thankful our government was perceptive enough to realize that we simply need to have a day to make us think we are getting a break. Few of us actually take the entire day to remember. The holiday system is like that. Whoever is in charge of handing out holidays that allow us to have a long weekend is very sneaky indeed! They are reminding us that on that particular holiday, something significant happened. So the big deal is, the fact that you are able to lay-about at home, go up to whistler, or head off to the states for that highly anticipated shopping spree means that you should be thanking all the war veterans for their heroics that enabled you to do all those fun things. Be thankful for that day-off, but just remember who it was that let you have it. And hey, this just might be an opportunity for Canadians to prove we do indeed have a reason for national pride. Stranger things have happened. The Other Press is Douglas College’s autonomous student newspaper, and we’ ve been stark-raving mad since 1976. If you haven’t noticed us by now, you’ve got terrible timing, or you're much too serious. The OP is an uncontested member of the Canadian University Press, a worldwide conspiracy designed to irritate the out of daily newspapers. By reading this you have become a very spec ember of a club we are yet to dream up, so stay tuned. You canfun, buf you can’t hide. Even as you read this, your brain is being sca The Other Press is written and produced there are some DC students giving the and help out, we are not responsible for ¥o € i (oh yeah, ou want to come in 4 a letter, cillers on death row, e-back, or suggestions Yoyce Robinson Padl Audrew s, Tarina Palmer, the Stedmann, Maurice and of course, Colette Deahes Rugby Players show the O.P. how it's done Dear the Other Press, I am not sure how many of you students and sports fans even know that Douglas College has a women’s rugby team. If you didn’t know, you do know now so please don’t plead ignorance. There are many people at this school who been a great support to helping us achieve our goals over the last three years. Last year repeated attempts to get the Other Press involved with the whole range of sports here at the college (including men’s and women’s rugby) were to no avail. The one article that the women’s rugby team asked you to print, got printed three issues later, when the information was no longer relevant. It was only then, after repeated persistence that you decided that you would send a photographer out to one of our games - only you were too late, the season had ended one week earlier!!! I find it very discouraging that Dave Dalcanale is writing selective articles for the Other Press. What is the sports co-ordinator doing? Why is not all of the sports being covered here at the college? It is not just the women’s rugby team, there is also very little about men’s rugby, and if there is it has been submitted by someone on the team. I think that it is highly unfortunate that this is a regular occurrence here at the college. The Douglas Women’s Rugby Team has been around for five years and only the last three have we been affiliated with the college. This way the college looks good for supporting women in upcoming sports and we get some minor. funding. The point to this article is that your Douglas College Women’s Rugby team is first in our division. We have won our last 5 games in a row and are presently undefeated. Our first game of the season was against Burnaby 10 - 5. We then crushed S.F.U. 44-0. James Bay was next with a convincing victory of 25 - 0. We then had an unlucky tie with Burnaby 0 - 0. This was partially due to an unfortunate injury and the first half was called at 15 minutes. We beat U.V.LC. last week-end with the best game of the season 20 - 17. I bet that you also did not know that the Douglas Rugby Club has teamed up with the college and actually offers scholarships for women’s rugby. There were five well deserved scholarships given out this year. Thanks to our coaches Diver Dave and Frenchie (Bill Lacroix). Cheers to our rookies, Stephanie Bigger, Anne Canarcon and Sarah Fritz to name a few, who are looking great this year. We practice every Monday and Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. at Queens Park. Our games are on Sundays with a kick-off time at 12:15 p.m. We are always looking for new players and no experience is necessary. - With the exception of a few diligent hardworking individuals, we do not get a lot of support from the college. It would be nice to see this change around for the future because women’s rugby is an up and coming sport. There are currently about 14 women’s teams in B.C., not including the numerous high-school teams that are springing up all over the place. The B.C. Women’s Ruby Team has also won the NATIONALS for the last two years ina row. This letter is just an attempt to persuade those that cover sports here at the college that there are other sports besides the mainstream ones. So why don’t you help us out???? Sincerely Yours, Dennis C. Moore Attempted man- bashing in New West Get a grip Jet Girl, Iam of the male gender. I am not a rapist, I do not sexually or physically assault woman, and I don’t expect to get laid just because I take a woman out for the evening. I have news for you jet girl: you are a bigot. When you classify any group into a stereotype, you are a bigot—plain and simple. I certainly agree with you that men who abuse woman should have their balls roasted over hot coals. But your comments, “I start to hate all men even though some of my friends are of the male persuasion,” and “I begin to wonder what all men are capable of ” are ignorant remarks in the extreme (I feel sorry for your male friends and advise them to stay away from t coals). Simply because many terror attacks are conducted by Muslims, dc not mean that all Muslims are terroris By labeling all men as “control freak: you are making an unfounded and gr¢ generalization. Some of us happen to nice guys who view woman abusers pathetic losers who need a good beati themselves. In the words of Hen Rollens: “You generalize and tell me lies Like all the things that I put betwe you thighs All the things that I put you through And all the things that I might do Don’t worry why I run away When you tell me it’s my time to pa’ For all the tears and all the pain For all the terrible things I never did I’m not all men. I’m just one man. I not that man. I’m not all men.” I understand that we must ta action against sexual abuse, but ma in the “womanist” movement a helping to create what they initial started out to destroy—hatred. Please. Girl, cease your man-bashing rheto: and focus on something mo productive—like changing tt country’s sexual assault laws, or encouraging more woman to rep sexual assaults. I am sure that in doi so you will find much support. Ev from us of the male persuasion. Boyd Pears: the