\ Sa PAGE 4 : THE OTHER PRESS EES ALE LIE LELAND LAL AT ALA PEDAL DE AEA OTHE R : NOVEMBER 16TH 1983 OPINION O-T HE RS: T A FF This page of The Other Press is reserved solely for the purpose of correspondence and opinion. The views expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of this newspaper, or Douglas College’s Student Society or Administration. All letters and opinions must be typed at a 55 stroke line double spaced and bear the name and telephone number of the writer for reasons of verification and validity. The telephone number will not be printed and the name may not be printed if just cause is shown. Letters should be no more than 200 words in length and opinion pieces should be under 1000 words in length due to space and layout requirements. We reserve the right to edit all letters and opinions for clarity and libel. Letters and opinions longer than specitied may be edited to size. Deadline for all submissions is 4:00 pm the Friday before production week. eA nee TL WAS GOING To SAY SOMETWING “ LIITTY AND PROFOUND BUT THEN... (WHO CARES °x *® STUDENT APATHY WAR. Who needs it? Ee NEWS COORDINATOR. ......... SANDRA McMILLAN EDITORIAL COORDINATOR: ENTERTAINMENT COORDINATOR:DAVE WATSON SPORTS COORDINATOR....... .» MARTIN HEMERIK FEATURES COORDINATOR...... SANDRA McMILLAI REPORTERS:...c0secscsecsscevsrsvesvecesess DAN HILBORN REA IAN G. LYON,. ROB IN ROBERTSON PRODUCTION COORDINATOR:.. MARTIN HEMERIK INESS MANAGER......++0+00+- ERNEST HAWKER ree COORDINATOR......++. ARNOLD HEDSTROM SAGE [EVENTS| COORDINATOR:..CAROLINE., ,.... cecveccccvceseneeese bec be ddeueaweetuesus snapedecesneeee ‘HARDON PHOTOGRAPHY COORDINATOR:..SEAN .....c0ces0 sa ea ues Sonu sah Deaio tetas SER AMEN Tinie VALENTINI GRAPHICS COORDINATOR::...+0.cccc00eeeeeees Sh eihediens DESIGN CONSULTANT 3h 00..+000000e++: FRED HUNTER OFFICE COORDINATOR:..CATHY MAKOWICHUK ADVERTISING COORDINATOR: M. Magy pare OTHER PUBLICATIONS _SOCIETY DIRECTORS:.....SEAN VALENTINI IAN G. LYON ee MARTIN HEMERIK...... SANDRA McMILLAT, OTHER CONTRIBUTORS:. ’’’BiLL HARDWICI ...STEWART WOOLVERTON ,,, LISA GREENLEES OOOO The Other Press is a democratically run, autonomous student newspaper, published several times a semester [ usually twice a month] under the ausices of The Other Publications Society. Our funding comes by way of a direct student levy at registration time and through local and national advertising. The Other Press is a member of Canadian University Press and of the national advertising cooperative Campus Plus. The Other Press welcomes new and prospective - members to come to our regular staff meetings every Thursday at 12:00 noon. Story and production meetings alternate every Monday at 4:00 pm. All meetings take place in The Other Press Newsroom adjacent to the student lounge off the main concourse in the North Building in room 2305. Phone: 525-3542 Mailing Adress: The Other Press Douglas College 700 Royal Ave. Box 2503 New Westminster B.C. V3L 5SB2 We are living in the most immediate of times. With mass communication and the speed at which informa- tion and ideas can be ex- changed it seems beyond by Ian G. Lyon ‘iS mo reason belief that the powers that be can not come to terms regarding peace. It’s such an easy concept to grasp. We now know that all races of man are equal, no, some are not more equal than others, therefore there to kill or subjugate on these grounds. Religious and __ political leaning seem to be the main of conflict causes these days. There have been and still are many so called ‘‘reli- gious’’ wars. Of course when you have God behind you in your campaign... well say no more. Political wars are still okay. I mean, like, there’s nothing left to fight about, ee | Even Brother Ronald Rea- gan says that wars can be justified by putting it into economic and political per- spective. They need peace in the Middle East to protect the oil. They wanted Gren- ada to save the American medical students from be- coming politically aware. When you think of the: billions of people that rely on 10-15 very powerful coun- try leaders it makes. you realize just how important it is to get the right person in office. We vote them in (most of them, anyways) and it’s up to us to live with the consequences. If our leaders decide a war is the best thing, for what- ever reasons, some of us will have to fight. That’s one of the consequences. Another is in the area of economic growth. They make the tax laws and import duties, but: that is getting off of the point. | . WAR SUCKS, all it does is make quick profits for some and get others killed. So when war comes to your town, STOP IT, BOYCOTT WAR. 3 4200, 4300 ake Note Student Activity Room 1606 NOWOPEN Mon-Thurs 8:00A.M.-10:00 12:00 Noon-2:00 P.M., 5:00 P.M.-8:00 P.M. (exc Fri) video games, ping pong, darts, table games, card games , 32° stamps, Must show valid student I.D. FREE TELEPHONES Located in rooms:2600, 2700, 3200, 3300, 3400, 3600, 3900, \ Phones are toll restricted and limited to 3 minute use during busy times