MAD HATTER PAGE 2 BOOK ORDERS FOR FALL COURSES Faculty who are revising reading lists for fall courses are urged to submit any books they would like to see in the library, as soon as possible. Books must be ordered, catalogued and pro- cessed before the fall term. Materials order request forms can be obtained from either library. Contact Ralph Stanton at 939-6611, loc. 16, if you have any questions. NOTICE Al Atkinson will be away from the College April 13 to May 4, 1982. Dur- ing his absence, Everett Robinson will be the contact person for the service functions of the Student Services and Developmental Education department; Connie Broatch will be the contact per- son for A.B.E. Gerry DellaMattia will be the Administrator responsible for any Management issues/concerns. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Dorothy Jones and her students for the excellent pro- duction of The Good Doctor. If you missed it, try her next produc- tion - This was a most enjoyable even- ing. Connie Land NEW PURCHASING FORMS Undoubtedly most of you have seen the new purchase order format. Contrary to popular opinion, the use of these forms is not a further attempt at struc- turing a bureaucratic department. We hope that by using the new forms we will be able to offer better service both to the college community and our suppliers. The new purchase order is a five part form. Currently the requisitioner re- ceives two copies of the purchase order - one to be retained for their records, the second to be signed and forwarded to the Purchasing Department when a shipment has been received on the order. DO NOL WAIT FOR THE COMPLETE SHIPMENT. The second new form is a Receiving re- port. This form is to be completed and forwarded to the Purchasing Department on EACH SUBSEQUENT SHIPMENT ON EACH ORDER. This procedure will do away with the necessity of sending out in- voices for signature thus reducing pa- per flow and processing time. Receiving Reports are available from your Director or Chairman or from the Purchasing Department. We ask that you "plug" into the system April 1, 1982 or as soon thereafter as is feas- ible. Thank you for your co-operation. If you have any questions please drop into the Purchasing Department or give us a telephone call. We will try to answer your questions for you.