DOUGLAS COLLEGE ARCHIVES MAN HATTER PAGE 5 General instructional and curricular policy matters properly belong at the College-wide level. It could be reasonably expected that in matters of curriculum and instruction policy, this committee would be viewed as fully competent in all but extraordinary matters of educational policy. Similarly, student personnel and admissions policies - all educational in nature, would be viewed as its area of jurisdiction. It would be an appropriate body of adjudication of policy issues and it would also review, criticize, and advise the board on the appropriateness of planning documents intended for review and adoption by the Board. It should have a right to review curriculum approved by divisional committees, in the light of College policies, and if necessary be as a final authority within the College structure on matters of judgment relating to curriculum policy - subject only to the College Board. Major tasks confronting this committee at this time could be a review of the College Philosophy Statement and then of the Five-Year Educational Plan. Other current pressing matters could include a review of the College policy on communications content in diploma, certificate, and citation programs. Requests have been forth- coming for a review of our current policy on ''threshhold'' admissions to our limited enrollment programs. At the divisional level, the Committee could reasonably be expected to act as the approving committee for all programs offered by the division, including content and structure of curriculum. It would provide advice to the Dean of the division on divisional goals - both short and long- term, and would be a committee of review and endorsation of the Divisional Five-Year Plan. Paralleling this latter activity, would be the annual review and criticism/endorsation of the divisional budget proposals and final allocations. The Departmental Governance Committee would be the recommending group to the Divisional Committee for approval of courses and programs offered by the department. It would review and endorse departmental annual and long- term goals and advise the director/chairman onthe preparation and allocation of budgets. In some>cases, a department of the College will be unique enough in structure and function to be viewed as the committee of compe- tence at the policy level for certain matters within the division. In other cases, where the department parallels in structure and function other departments within a division, it would look to the divisional committee for policy approval, and possibly formulation. The next pages outline in order: (a) College functions and general principles of organization, (b) Proposed governance and management committees, (c) Nature of representation, (d) The processes of change.