Employment Opportunities _ & (4 Kuantien Colleze a Mad Hatter Pace 5 AS COLLEGE AsCHIVES DIRECTOR OF APPLIED PROGRAMS LOCATION: SURREY CAMPUS The incumbent will be responsible for: ~The Applied Programs located at the Newton and 140th Street Centres ~Liaison with agencies & advisory groups in the Campus region ~Recruitment of faculty for the Career, Technical & Vocational programs located on the Surrey Campus -Budget preparation & expenditures “Evaluation of the Applied Programs on the Surrey Campus The Director will report to the Surrey Campus Principal « will be Part of the Surrey Campus Management Group . Competition No 31-699 Closing date for applications is June 12, 1981. REGULAR FULL TIME INSTRUCTORS The Zollewing positions will be hased at the Richmond Campus but may be re- Guired to teach on other campuses in Langley and Surrey. Successful applicants wi ill be required tO assist in the develooment and main- tenance of curriculum in cocperation with other faculty. BUSINESS - Three instructors to teach in the Business Diploma procrams ard Economics discipline. Must have ability to teach in 2 or more of: - General Business = Accounting - Econemics - Marketing = Electronic Data Processing Dre néeary tas hing a Sraftarss4 Soot Seow Yo ces EXP. PrSterrsd. CRIMINOLOGY & CRIMINAL JUSTICE - one instructor. Qualifications: abili ity to teach a least 3 of: - Sociological Criminology ~ Criminal Law - Law Enforcement - The Justice System PSYCHOLOGY - one instructor Qualifications: ability to teach Instrod- uctory Psychology and courses in at least 2 of the following: - Experimental Psychology ~ Development Psychology ~ Social Psycholocy READING AND STUDY SKIZLS - one instructor Qualifications: ability to teach Reading & Study Skills required ~ Ability to teach Writing Skills an asset - Exp. in development and/or overation of a Learning Resource Centre an asset. ~- Masters degree preferrad. - Teaching exp. at cost secondary level. The following position is available at the Langley Campus. = SL SUSTNESS - one instructor to teach Accounting & Marketing. Qualifications: ~- Completion of an RIA, CA or CGA Program - Recent business experience ~ Teaching experience vreferrad, Starting Date: August 1, 1981 Closing date for applications June 12,1981 Competition No. 81-697. PLEASE SUBMIT ALL XWANTLEN COLLEGE Jop APDT LICATIONS TO: sips tad Co ollege