Resignation Dr. R.H. Pridham, Interim President, Douglas College, P.O. Box 2503 New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 Dear Reg: Please accept this letter as my resignation as Dean of Student Services and as a member of the administrative staff of Douglas College. On my behalf would you please convey to the Board my deep appreciation for their support and encouragement over the past ten years. Working at Douglas, as a faculty member and as an administrator, afforded me the opportunity to participate in a most exciting educational environment. i shall always be grateful for that experience. I cannot formally leave without recognizing the many wonderful people that it was my good fortune to know and to work with at the College. I learned so much and was so personnally enriched by my contacts with the special people who work at Douglas - bé they staff, students, faculty or administrators. I cannot express to each of them personally my deep sense of gratitude but I would appreciate it very much if you would pass on my comments in your report to the Board. May I wish you and the College community well in the exciting and difficult months of transition ahead. With respect and affection, Marilyn Smith Pattison ~HELP!! HELP! - SHORTAGE OF MATLING ENVELOPES The College is desperately short of inter-office mailing envelopes. It would be most helpful if any envelopes not being used were turned over to your campus supervisor for re-distribution. Thank you. ...Tom Rosamond