News Releases oorreze has acquired, through the co- seration of the Reverand J. McCann and t. Peters Church in New Westminster, the oper Floor to St. Peter's Elementary School, ad day time use of the neighbouring Recrea- ton Hall. At the St. Peter's School, now aown as the Agnes Street Centre of the New estminster Campus, are located the Child are Services Program, and the Community 2rvice Worker Program, together with an jult Basic Education class. The Theatre cogram is now located in’the Recreation all next door. The Recreation Hall will 2 referred to as the Agnes Street Annex. 3 soon as telephone lines and offices are roperly established, an announcement will @=- regarding faculty office locations ad telephone numbers. The Faculty from the Ceramics Program have assembled a national touring exhibition of student ceramics and glass objects of art. A preview will be held at D.C., 400 bldg., Surrey Campus, on Tues., Sept. 5 and Wed., Sept. 6 from 9 am to 10 pm, The ceramic and glass pieces in the exhibiton are selected student works from a total of 10 universities, colleges and art schools from Nova Scotia to B.C. The display will tour major centres in Canada for 18 months before returning to B.C. Staff and faculty are invited to attend. —— mw SSSA Sree ess sts22c Slssse sess ey 3 ~ FIRST AlD ; id IN CASE OF EMERGENCY DIAL Or On the outside... BURNABY RT GALERY OPENING SEPTEMBER 6, 1978 SHICHAN TAKASHIMA -returns to the Burnaby Art Gallery with New Age Paingings. JOHN COLLINGS - An exhibition of Watercolours. SOLIGLAS COLLEGE LIBRARY oe BRCHIVES