bo’ DOUGLAS COLLECE LiBitic'¥ ARCHIVES ROLES OF DEPARTMENTS OF LABOUR AND EDUCATION The role of the Manpower Development Division of the Department of Labour shall be to: A 1. identify manpower training needs through economic research and discussions with industry and labour, which may arise because of such factors as industrial development, technological change or economic fluctuation in the province as a whole. ; 2. meet the identified manpower needs by taking prime responsibility for the development of pre-apprenticeship, apprenticeship, journeyman upgrading, journeyman refresher, journeyman specialization, and other technical and skill development programs, in conjunction with the industry and labour groups involved in the field of identified need, and the Department of Education and its associated agencies, the melded colleges, the Provincial vocatiomal schools, and B.C.I.T. 3. co-ordinate all Provincial co-operation with Canada Manpower. The role of the Department of Education shall be to: 1. assist the Department of Labour in the development of the programs to meet the identified needs through the participation of Departmental officials and melded college or vocational school personnel on joint program development committees. 2.. have the prime responsibility for the determination of which training facility will be used to operate tke required programs. 3. supervise the operation of the training programs in melded colleges or vocational schools. These two roles will be effected through a Joint Committee of the Departments of Labour aud Education consisting of 3 nominees of each Department. This Committee will have responsibiiity for: 1. supervision of the co-operative appreach to manpower training. 2. ensuring the proper establishment and stafiing of joint committees working cn the 2-velopmert of training programs. 3. reviewing the activities ir this area and developing joint reports for the respective Ministers. 15 eres