Last Call Kerry Wan Kenobi, OP Columnist Dear Last Call, My problem is one that I have struggled with for a long time. What happens when you out grow your long time friends and want them to not go away mad, but just go away? I mean, I like them, but I am not “‘in like” with them anymore. We don’t really have as much in com- mon now that we are grown ups. It’s hard to keep including them in my life when I have new people that I care more about and have more in common with. How do I kick these people to the curb but in a way where if I run into them on the street they don’t try to stab me with their dagger eyes? Please respond soon, you’re my only hope. Sincerely, Moving On Up Dear Moving On Up, First of all, did you ever think that maybe your old-time buddies would also like to be rid of you? It’s very possible that they are just making the same courtesy calls to you when they would love to be spending their time calling their new best friends forever. It seems to me like you are a tiny bit on the self-centered side. I am glad I am not one of your new or old friends. Second point, it’s real easy. For one, use your call display to your advantage and don’t take their calls. For two, don’t call them on their important days, you know, birthdays, anniversaries, etc. For three, do not rsvp yes to any of their invitations to spend time; this includes weddings, baby showers, Super Bowl parties, etc. Also, talk very badly about them behind their backs and to their faces. Most importantly, sleep with any of the crushes, mates, spouses, lovers, etc. that you’ve been holding off on “doing” for their sakes. Thirdly, under no circumstances can you let your new friends meet your old friends. When they meet the old friends two things could possibly happen. They will find out what losers your past friends are and start to wonder how you could have been friends with them for so long, hence starting to question their own friendships with you. Or worse, they will like your old friends better than you and start hanging out with them and either not inviting you or even worse, inviting you and annoying you. Basically the best bet is to have only one friend at a time. When you have used up all of their niceness and enthusiasm, write them a Dear John letter and find a new friend from Yours truly, Kerry Wan Kenobi Bee National Defence Défense nationale eee A CAREER I'LL TAKE PRIDE IN Want a career that’s more than just a job? The Canadian Forces offer you: e a wide range of careers in professional fields and technical trades e specialized training e subsidized education To find out more about our part- and full-time career opportunities, visit your local Canadian Forces recruiting centre. STRONG. PROUD. TODAY'S CANADIAN FORCES. Canada 1 800 856-8488 pase UNE CARRIERE DONT JE SERAI FIER Une carriére dans les Forces canadiennes, c’est plus qu'un simple emploi. Nous vous offrons: e un vaste choix de carriéres dans des domaines professionnels et techniques e une formation spécialisée e une aide financiére pour vos études Pour en savoir plus sur les possibilités de carriéres a temps partiel ou a temps plein, rendez-vous dans un centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes prés de chez vous. DECOUVREZ VOS FORCES DANS LES FORCES CANADIENNES. & __ CANADIAN oa