President’s Report Faculty Visits I have been continuing my informal visits with the instructional faculties and departments, including, in recent weeks, Child, Family and Community Studies; Language, Literature and Performing Arts; and Humanities and Social Sciences. These visits provide direct communications regarding the faculties’ aspirations and frustrations, and some of administration’s goals and challenges. I plan to continue these visits, with the hope that the openness in communication will contribute to a degree of trust and to collaboration in achieving shared goals. Strategic Planning The Senior Management Team (SMT) (Vice Presidents and President) and Roberta Bend, Chair of Educational Council, have formed a steering committee for Strategic Planning, chaired by Mia Gordon. The emphasis for the process is on participation. Budget Planning The SMT has invited a working group representing various college constituencies to work with us to ensure that College budget development is a MN sve _eorwerio } | INside Douglas College is published the | first Tuesday of every month by the Communications & Marketing Office and the College Duplicating Centre. The next issue will appear on February 4. Deadline for submission for next issue is noon Tuesday, January 15. Submissions on floppy disk in WordPerfect or ASCII format would be appreciated. Material may be edited for brevity and clarity. Tips, scoops and suggestions are always welcome. Please contact the Communications & Marketing Office, (604) 527-5325, FAX: (604) 527-5095, Room 4700 at the New West campus, 700 Royal Avenue, New Westminster, B.C. V3L 5B2 | | j j i i participative process, and that financial reporting is clear and comprehensive. We expect that Ministry grants for 1997-98 may approximate those of 1996- 97, that there will be no additional funds for increased costs (increments, scale increases, non-salaried inflation), and that some increases in student FTE may be expected. We have been informed that our grants for 1996-97 are being reduced by $63,852. Computing Planning The KPMG Report has been broadly circulated in the College. (A working summary of the report’s issues and recommendations is available.) Although there have been a number of concerns expressed regarding the accuracy and completeness of aspects of the report, it is being used, along with other reports and evaluations, by the working group which is now preparing a draft plan of action for the SMT. Provincial Meetings Since the last Board meeting I have attended: Provincial update and evaluation of the implementation of the education/training components of B.C. Benefits - November 22 AECBC Joint Council - December 3 Council of Chief Executive Officers - December 4 School District Liaison On November 25, Douglas College signed an articulation agreement with Richmond, Surrey, and Maple Ridge School Boards which will allow students to enrol in studies which provide access to both secondary school and college credits. The agreement is strategically linked to the foundations of Tech Prep, and links the School Districts and the College through laddered curriculum, teacher/faculty interchange, a focus on learning outcomes achieved through multiple learning environments, and comprehensive coordinated career awareness through experiential learning. Our faculty and staff are to be commended for the excellent work done in this collaborative effort. On Monday, December 2, Mia cori and I met with Tom Rothney, Superintendent of Schools, and Russ Pacey, Executive Director, Development and Education Services, New Westminster School District #40. A number of areas of potential cooperation were identified, and will be followed up by our respective administrations. On Monday, December 9, we met with Tom Harris, Superintendent, Coquitlam School District, and his administrators to discuss areas of college-school district cooperation. BC Open University On Thursday, December 12, I met with the CEOs from OLA, Capilano and Langara to discuss plans for the development of a consortium arrangement for the development of some niche degrees in applied areas. Any agreement reached is subject to approval by the Ministry of Education, Skills and Training. Police Studies Degree Program 9 Following considerable discussion with community advisers, Douglas College and the Open Learning Agency submitted a proposal for development of a degree in police studies. The initial proposal has not been accepted by the Ministry. Follow up discussions with the Justice Institute, Open University and Ministry officials have been planned with a view to reconsideration of the proposal. BCIT Downtown Opening We attended the official opening of the BCIT downtown campus, 555 Seymour St.— “a $35 million high- technology facility that is the first ‘smart’ building in Western Canada.” $11 million was provided by the Ministry, and the remaining $24 million will be provided through revenue-producing activities. We congratulate BCIT on this courageous venture, and wish them well in their application of state-of-the-art technology and program design in downtown Vancouver. Lloyd Morin