TO: DOUGLAS COLLEGE BOARD January 16, 1986. G Internal Matters - Education Work is proceeding on identification of College/Community needs in the areas of athletics and the performing arts, for presentations to be made to the Douglas College Foundation Board at the end of the month. These materials are being prepared by faculty, staff and administrators in the divisions of the College. The closure of the New Westminster Y.M.C.A. has resulted in an influx of community people looking for certain kinds of athletic and recreation services, that will be taken under examination this month. by an ad hoc group of faculty and administrators, being pulled together by Jim Doerr, Dean of Community Programs and Services. This evening, January 16th, has seen the first formal orientation program of Community Program instructors. This program was the result of the enthusiastic support and work of faculty members in our Community Programs and Services Division. We hope that this will become an ongoing activity, with implications for more adequate future orientation of new faculty and staff in other divisions of the College. The need for such orientation programs was made clear in the report on Douglas College Administration processes last year. The January registration of students has been completed. Dr. 6G. DellaMattia will be reporting in more detail later in this meeting. The registration was a model of efficiency and smoothness. It is a pleasure to commend the efforts of staff and faculty in organizing the registration. A special tribute should be paid to the staff of the Registrar's Office who have worked so hard to make the registration a smooth, helpful, and reliable process. D. Internal Matters - Personnel On January 9, Bill Morfey, Robert Sawka and I met to consider improvements in the processes of orientation of faculty, staff and administrators to Douglas College. A report will be forthcoming to Management Committee within a month, following which implementation will occur. Today, January 16, I met with a delegation from the Douglas/Kwantlen Faculty Association, in order to discuss the concerns of that Association regarding Douglas College's use of Contract Faculty. This meeting was a result of communication between the D/KFA and the Douglas College Board. With regret, I must announce the resignation of Robert Sawka, Director of Personnel & Labour Relations, who will be taking up a senior executive position with DOMTAR Inc. Robert's sincere concern for all employees of this institution, his tact, and his intelligence have served us well. We wish him well in his future career. WLD/gb