POUGLAS College MEMORANDUM ARCHIVES TOs MAD HATTER From: MARY MATTHEWS March 25th, 1986 Re: RECENT AUDIO VISUAL ACQUISITIONS Deaf Women, Ambitious Dreams, Emerging Dreams - Captioned VHS 29 mins. This video presents two contemporary hearing impaired women, life's challenges at home, at work and in the community. The women describe their roles in these settings, why they chose such roles and their plans for the future. Tracheotomy Care, Tube Change and Artificial Airway Cuff Management VHS 24 mins. Information about the aspects of safe, effective manage- ment of the patient with an artificial airway is provided in this program through a review of airway physiology and demon- strations in the actual environment. Wild in the City 16 mm film 16 mins. This short film explores the extent and variety of wild animal species that have adapted to, and can survive in an urban environment. Although photographed exclusively in Vancouver, the message of the film applies to any city. Resolving Conflicts 16 mm film 22 mins. This program teaches supervisors and managers how to respond to conflict in the most productive way. It illus~ trates five conflict resolution strategies: avoidance, giving it back to those involved, imposing a solution, compromise and collaboration. Mary Matthews MM: jrh