r | the DOUGLAS COLLEG ARCHIVES @| A Douglas College Newsletter. SSS eee WHEN THE STONES FLY UP "You think you've got it all organized, you've neatly figured out the past, and then the stones fly up in your face." That is how Dale Zieroth describes the experience of writing poetry. But keeping the stones in their places is not what interests Zieroth, author of a new book of poetry entitled "When the Stones Fly Up". It is the process, not just the final product, that give Zieroth pleasure. "In each of my poems there is an experience that | wanted to write about, and in the process of writing it works itself out in language. | never quite know what's going to happen," says Zieroth. - more — a, Se — DOUGLAS COLLEGE IN THE HAT Notices and Announcements Upcoming Events Bookstore Information Athletic Update For Rent Special Christmas Display at Irving House Congratulations Group Advising Sessions Innovation Abstracts