Memo from Jim Doerr - Cont' MAD HATTER PAGE 5 TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR ASSESSMENT OF A.B.E. PROGRAMS IN TERMS OF LOCATION WITHIN THE DOUGLAS COLLEGE ORGANI ZATION A. A.B.E. to be defined as programs presently taught by members of the A.B.E. Discipline - i.e., exclusive of E.S.L. and Social Education courses taught under the aegis of Student Services. B. Shell Harvey, Ministry Coordinator, to be involved in discussions, in order to provide Provincial viewpoint and advice. C. Deans assigned to evaluation are to view themselves as disinterested - j.e., making recommendations to the Management Committee of Douglas College in their capacity as College-wide administrators rather than heads of Divisions. D. Touchstone for recommendations should be quality and adequacy of service to the learner. E. Goals of Program(s) should be reviewed from the perspectives of the Ministry, Douglas College as an institution, the Discipline proper, allied Disciplines, and major external contractors such as C.E.1.C. A commitment has been made that A.8.£. as such will be viewed as an organizational unit, wherever it is located in the College, and will have a clearly identified administrative head - whether this be a Chairman, a Director Coordinator, or Program Supervisor. | am requesting that formal recommendation be made to the Management Committee of Douglas College prior to the end of May. If it is possible to make this recommendation earlier, then that will be to the benefit of all parties concerned. In the meantime, | have assured the faculty group involved that existing patterns of organization, time release, and financial commitments will be honored, with the Applied Programs Division taking care of appropriate paper work as necessary. After April Ist, and until final disposition is made, Ed Redmond is named Administrator of Reference for authorizations. \ ie \William L. Day, President Designate Douglas Coll c.c. Deans =. Connie Broatch and Members of ABE Discipline. TO ALL PERSONNEL In order to facilitate communication, Bill Day has approved a change in nomenclature for the Douglas College organization. Here-after, the Educational Services Division will be referred to as Educational and Student Services. Correspondingly, Gerry Della Mattia's title will be Dean of Educational and Student Services.