eae aie aac ceineeat. 2 7 + wees ee ee ee ee ee Pal Douglas College P.O. Box 2503, New Westminster, Brii.. Solumbia, Canada Surrey Campus: Telephone: 588 - 4411 February 1, 1975 To Whom It May Concerns During the few years that we have known EXXXITTLXX at Douglas College, it has never ceased to amaze his instructors that xyyxyx progressed upwards, probably because of a hidden conspiracy to dispose of him by an intriguing "elevator clause". Have you never seen his instructors on May lst, happily waving him good-bye ? Like cashews and all other nuts, he sort of frows on you. Politically, althourh he is rather conservative, being well to the right of Attila the Hun and Tamerlane, he attracts atten- tion by adhering rigidly to the stated principles, if any, of the Borgia family, as he admires Latin culture (Nero, Caligula, Heliopabalus the Mad, and icv cult heroes.). In probity and surety of thrust, he will undoubtedly outshine Richard Milhouse Nixons he has, however, led Spiro Agnew a merry race for the past few years in Student Bovernment. If it is of any consolation for you to know, our lady Basset Hound has always been secretly in love with him, probably because of a family resemblance, | At word of his return to Quebec, several francophone institutions have rapidly changed all locks on Women's Reaidenous and hastily notified adjacent nunneries. They rank his last visit with such natural calamities as the blizzard of '88 and the outbreak of hoof-and-mouth disease in Moose Jawe Even in the West, he wreaks havoc, The conspiracy between the West Van and Vancouver City Police forces cannot, moreover, be passed over in silence. They have | : _q