Jan. 28th/74 TOTEM BADMINTON Dougals Second to Strong VCC Squad. In intercollege badminton competition at Vancouver City College, Langara, Saturday, Douglas College took second place behind VCC, overcoming Trinity, Capilano and Columbia Bible. Ann Bain and Bev Green won the women's doubles; Marion Wilson and Rosana Perkovich took second and third in women's singles; and Owen Chan and Mahmud Lalani placed in men's doubles. Others who represented Douglas College were: John Kubasek, Chuck Bala, Robert Edge, Larry Sebelley, Bill Walker and Jadine Murray. Next intercollege badminton play is at BCIT on Saturday, January 9. See notice board for practice times and places. Robin Ryan THURSDAYS 12-2PM LOOK OUT FOR EVENTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST EACH WEEK THIS WEEK THURS., JAN. Sise RICHMOND - Room 102 - Movie "The Drylanders" Caf«teria_- Folk Sing-A-Long NEW WESTMINSTER - 4 Room Complex - Movie "Helicopter Canada" Music Bldg. - John Husser - bassoon SURREY - 4 Room Complex - Movies: "Beau Hunks" Richard Kitson - piano "County Hospital" "Bacon Grabbers" PLEASE CONTACT WAL ROBERTSON (MUSIC SECTION) NEW WESTMINSTER IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO OFFER