ee ee ae AGL O oy racy Went C281) Your choice of ee paninis or wraps with daily soup or organic mixed greens. Regular price $10.99-$11.99 716 Carnarvon Street New Westminster(across from Law Courts) } Mon-Fri 8am-5pm * Sat 10am-4pm 604.521.3344 «some restrictions appl aoe HOTT WAXX droppin the beais bol ie yOu ] JOIN US at 7 se (©) 7a\saaele Canucks PPV’ and UFO coverage HON@ a Tundraiser ar 67 Berow POkK@r SUNdays - JOIN 1A@ IN@ No lini Texas AG ek oir Tain z tor |Aopies for al! Dougias Reena cii Siu es Coyoi@ Ucly on ihe bar feey Les iS 97 BLACKIE STREET NEW WESTMINSTER BC P:604.522.001 | mo] O)/ ho yaean Oloy-74)